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Study Recruitment: A watermelon focused dietary inflammatory index counseling system to reduce systemic inflammation

June 7, 2017

You’re invited to see if you qualify to participate in a 12-week Connecting Health Innovations (CHI) intervention study to learn about healthy eating, specifically focusing on watermelon. This includes participating in healthy cooking, physical activity and stress-reduction techniques to reduce chronic inflammation in the body. Irritation in the body (inflammation) may cause cancer, heart disease and diabetes. This study will involve weekly classes (for 3 months) where you will learn more about healthy eating, exercise, and stress management. We’ll ask you to identify a partner to attend these meetings as well. We’ll measure your blood for markers of inflammation as well as measure your body weight, body composition, and blood pressure. All meetings and assessments will take place at USC.

In order to participate, you must be:

  • Be ≥18 years of age
  • Have no serious, unstable co-morbidity that would make participation in a diet and PA intervention difficult or risky
  • Be willing and able to participate fully in the study for a period of three months
  • Have Columbia, SC area residence and be able to travel to and from the clinic and intervention sites
  • Have access to the Internet and a valid email address
  • Not be currently enrolled in a weight loss study or actively taking weight loss medications.
  • Have a body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) between 25.0-49.9.

You’ll receive:

  • Free blood work including a lipid panel and obesity panel
  • Free anthropometric measurements
  • Up to $40 (if you complete both assessment points)
  • An extensive educational intervention
  • Cooking classes, exercise assistance, stress management techniques
  • Significant opportunity to improve their health

Interested? Please contact Shraddha Vyas, Ph.D., Site Coordinator at 803-576-5690 or to learn more about the study and to see if you qualify.

Flyer [pdf]

Update: July 11, 2017

The study is currently recruiting participants for the control group. See the recruitment flyer [pdf]  for more details. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.