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My Arnold School

Rural Health Lecture Series features Cynthia “Mil” Duncan for a discussion on rural poverty

September 8, 2016

Join the Arnold School of Public Health and the South Carolina Office of Rural Health for the first in a three-part lecture series focused on issues impacting rural communities. The lectures, which are free and open to the public, address the the social determinants of health in rural communities. 

The first Rural Health Lecture will take place at the USC Alumni Center (900 Senate St Columbia, S.C. 29201) on Tuesday, October 25 from 11 a.m.-noon. The theme is "Rural Poverty: Consequences for Health and Learning" and will feature Cynthia "Mil" Duncan, who is Director of the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire and the author of the "Worlds Apart" book series.

Duncan is professor emerita at the University of New Hampshire and a consultant to AGree, a food and agriculture policy group in Washington D.C. In the spring of 2004 she became founding director of the Carsey Institute. Recognized for her research on rural poverty and changing rural communities, Duncan was a sociologist at UNH for 11 years before leaving to become director of the Ford Foundation's Community and Resource Development Unit in 2000. At the Ford Foundation she was responsible for a team of national and international leaders in the community development, youth, and environmental fields. Duncan was the associate director of the Rural Economic Policy Program at the Aspen Institute prior to her former work at the University.

In 2013 she updated her 1999 book Worlds Apart: Poverty and Politics in Rural America, which received the American Sociological Association’s Robert E. Park Award for the best book in Community and Urban Sociology. Duncan is the author of numerous book chapters and refereed articles. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky in sociology and is a recipient of the University of Kentucky Department of Sociology Thomas R. Ford Distinguished Alumni Award. Duncan has a BA from Stanford University.

Parking Information

Parking in the Park Street garage is $1 for the first 30 minutes then $1 for the 2nd 30 minutes. After that it is a $1 an hour. The Alumni Center entrance is on the
2nd floor of the garage.

Contact/Additional Details

Printable Flyer [pdf]
For more information: or 803-251-6317

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