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COVID-19 Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Resources for Students

During this rapidly evolving time, we are committed to adjusting learning activities to ensure you can meet the curriculum requirements, while keeping your health and safety as a top priority. Please use this page as a resource for the most up-to-date information available for School of Medicine Greenville students.

 Until further notice:

  1. Students will wear face coverings at all times while in the medical school building or on medical school grounds unless isolated in a closed room alone, or unless eating with appropriate physical distancing.
  2. When off UofSC SOMG campus and in public places where others are present, students will wear face coverings and attempt to maintain 6 feet separation from others whenever possible.
  3. When on Prisma Health property, students will abide by the recommendations of Prisma Health if they differ from the above expectations.
  4. Violations of these expectations is a reportable offense to the Honor and Professionalism Council.

See details regarding mask use and care here. Scroll down to "Practicing Personal Safety."

University of South Carolina has established a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to help students who are facing financial hardship as a result of unexpected travel home, job loss or unexpected technology expenses. We have confirmed that School of Medicine Greenville students can apply for these funds.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, use this link.

If you are a student who would like to apply for COVID-19 emergency relief, please submit your request here

To:  UofSC School of Medicine Greenville Students
From:  Marjorie Jenkins, MD MEdHP FACP
Subject:  Student Town Halls and USMLE

Dear Students,

Thank you for taking time to meet this week. Let me first thank you for the many thoughtful questions submitted. The Town Hall meetings were informative for us and I hope for you. The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind of updates, revisions and at times seemingly conflicting information. The senior leadership and I continue to speak with our colleagues at UofSC, UofSC School of Medicine Columbia, Prisma Health and others throughout the country, all in an effort to learn from one another and develop well-reasoned, coordinated plans to address the impact of the pandemic upon your medical education.  We heard loud and clear the frustration which the chaotic scheduling of USMLE Step1 and Step 2 CK & CS has contributed. I want to reiterate that we are advocating for you with AAMC and USMLE for consistency and clarity of messaging and ultimately a firm plan so that you can best prepare for these important medical education milestones.

This morning I received word that Dr. Michael Barone, MD, Vice President of Licensure Programs at the NBME, will attend the the next weekly AAMC Council of Deans Meeting on 4/27 at 8:00 p.m. His presence directly reflects that the NBME has heard our/your concerns. During the meeting please be assured that I will share my concern regarding the unacceptable level of anxiety and stress that each of you are experiencing as you attempt to effectively study in an environment of uncertainty, heightened by inconsistent and at times conflicting information. Your well-being and success is our priority – and please be reassured that I will work tirelessly to advocate on your behalf. Specifically, I plan to suggest, in the strongest of terms, that serious consideration be given to immediate implementation of Pass/Fail scoring on USLME Step 1 and that testing be administered remotely to avoid additional delays due to Prometric closures. I will bring back to you any information gathered from this upcoming discussion that might help inform your plans. In addition, Dr. Buchanan and I are working with Prisma Health to create viable plans that will allow you to enter/re-enter the clinical learning environment and progress to an on-time graduation. 

On behalf of the senior leadership, faculty and staff at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville, I wish to thank you once again for your patience, resilience and fortitude as these unprecedented times continue to unfold before us.

I’ll end with a favorite quote from Harriet Tubman which I believe applies to each and everyone of you: "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

We are here to support you and to ensure your success. Please contact me at any time with questions or concerns. Thank you,
Marjorie R Jenkins, MD MEdHP FACP

The University of South Carolina campus is closed through the end of the spring semester. Virtual instruction for students began March 23 and will last through final exams. The traditional May commencement ceremonies are postponed. See the full announcement under the "Messages" tab on the university's Coronavirus landing page. More information will be provided in coming weeks regarding the UofSC School of Medicine Greenville campus and new dates for Convocation.



Dear Students,
SOMG was notified at approximately 2:00 pm today that AAMC and LCME have issued guidance for medical schools to discontinue M3 and M4 clinical rotations and all other student clinical activities until at least March 31, 2020, due to COVID-19 and the need for medical schools to prepare appropriately for this pandemic.  All third and fourth year students should leave the clinical learning environment as soon as effective handoff of patient care can be completed. 

We know many of you are disappointed to be removed from clinical care during a time of great need. Please remember the many dedicated members of the healthcare team who remain responsible for patient care.  Regardless of the date of your return, you will be provided up-to-date information on COVID-19 and appropriate steps to ensure your and your patient’s safety as you are welcomed back to the healthcare team.  During your time away, we encourage you to follow CDC guidelines to curb the spread of coronavirus.

SOMG faculty/staff and I will be working together and with other medical schools to address how to proceed with clinical learning in the face of this unprecedented crisis. 

We are dedicated to your health, safety, and to your educational progression. We ask for your patience with us and know that we will be communicating with you frequently. 

FAQs which have been submitted will be available on this webpage and an email address dedicated solely to addressing questions that arise will be provided. We are committed to keeping you informed and updated on progress.

This is a time of mental and emotional strain, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us as needed. The Office of Student Affairs is operational and faculty and staff are working either onsite or remotely. 

Dean Jenkins
Dr. Sharkey
Dr. Buchanan
Dr. Catalana
Dr. Best

Earlier this week the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) released a statement on Medical Students’ Voluntary Participation in Direct Patient Contact Activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Its release provides an opportunity to remind UofSC School of Medicine Greenville students that participation in volunteering at Prisma Health or in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic is completely voluntary, not required. Participation is not compensated and will not be considered for any required medical school course credit.

The March 23rd 2020 Academic Update for Learners at Prisma Health included a description of the finalized COVID-19 volunteer process. Please review the volunteer process, copied below, and note that it is indeed purely voluntary. More specifically, no student should feel any sense of social coercion to participate in  volunteering at Prisma Health or in the community. All students must also recognize and respect the fact that individual students have different personal and family situations (which may or may not be known to others) which will not allow them to volunteer without risking their own or their family’s well-being. Each student must therefore interact with their peers and colleagues with care and respect and to uphold other students’ confidentiality.


  1. Individuals sign-up to become volunteers: COVID-19 Request to Volunteer Form
  2. Prisma Health Student Affairs (Dr. Hairston’s Prisma Health Office) confirms volunteers' current clearance status: At this time, we will only accept volunteers who have current clearance through Prisma Health (i.e., student, team member, etc.)
  3. Volunteer match: Volunteer's will sent an introductory email connecting them to their placement and supervisor.
  4. Student is contacted by Prisma Health department supervisor for days/hours.  Dr. Hairston will send introductory email and then you connect directly with your volunteer supervisor for days/hours.

PLEASE NOTEVolunteers will not be in direct patient care. As staffing needs evolve, individuals who are licensed or certified in certain areas may be hired PRN. That will be the call of Human Resources and staffing pool. We (Academics) are connected to the WHOLE Prisma Health COVID-19 volunteer process (Upstate and Midlands) in alignment with HR and staffing pool. So rest assured the submissions are reaching the larger incident command who is identifying the COVID-19 needs.

For more information on assumptions of risk and liability, please see: COVID-19 Volunteer Release of Liability, Waiver of Legal Rights and Assumption of Risk.

For any questions about the COVID-19 volunteer process, please contact Christen Hairston, Ph.D., Executive Director, Student Affairs Administration, Prisma Health / Director of Student Success Initiatives at UofSC SOMG at

In accordance with President Caslen’s March 15 communication, the UofSC School of Medicine Greenville will be closed to onsite operations through March 31, 2020. 

We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation daily and will communicate with you and your class president regularly of any decisions that impact your current curriculum delivery and training. Please continue to check your email regularly for updates.

Beginning March 17, M1 and M2 students are asked not to return to campus through March 31. The dean’s cabinet at the School of Medicine Greenville has implemented following modifications to our academic schedule:


  • Instructors for Neuroscience will be providing course content virtually next week, which will be accessible to each of you. 
  • Instructors for Neuroscience will begin officially teaching content online on March 23, and will NOT be re-teaching the content from March 16-22, but those recordings will be available to view via Canvas and Panopto.
  • Instructions for IPM 1 will be posted on the Canvas page.
  • Check your email regularly, as announcements regarding content will be updated frequently. 


  • Students completed Module testing on Friday, March 13.
  • The OSCEs scheduled for March 16-18 are canceled.  Further information about the OSCEs will be forthcoming, but there will not be any interference with Step 1 protected time. 

Clinical and Elective Rotations:
See "Updated Guidance for Clinical Rotations" above. 

We continue to work to create alternative experiences (including virtual learning experiences) for IPM 4 Core and Specialty rotations. Given the fluid nature of a pandemic, we ask that you check regularly our communications for further information. 

Dear Class of 2020,

It is with great regret and disappointment that we announce that the Match Day 2020 celebration has been canceled. Please know that faculty and staff share in your disappointment and that every possible effort was made to preserve the integrity of this event. However, in keeping with the University, our first priority is the health, welfare and safety of you our students, your families, faculty, staff and members of the community.  

UofSC has cancelled all campus activities through April 3rd. Dean Jenkins earlier today asked the University Provost for an exception for Match Day. The request was sent to the highest levels of University leadership; however, the request has been denied due to overwhelming concerns for student and public safety. Accordingly, we are not allowed to have students come to the Student Affairs Office individually to hand out Match envelopes because it will create a large gathering of individuals, which we must avoid. 

We have been monitoring what schools across the country are doing, and have settled on the following after having also received an update from the NRMP:

  • We will scan your Match results and have them ready to go to each of you in an attachment.
  • At noon on Friday 3/20, we will hit the “Send” button as quickly as possible so that you get your results near simultaneously.
  • As you celebrate with family and friends please preserve those memories via pictures and videos.
  • We encourage you to post pictures and videos to social media tagging our school @UofSCSOMG; @DeanoftheGreen; #MatchDay2020; #GreenvilleMedMatch2020.

Even though we will not all be together, we want the excitement and the spirit of Match Day to come through!

Dean Jenkins
Dr. Sharkey
Dr. Buchanan
Dr. Catalana

FAQs for Students

For frequently asked questions please refer to Canvas. New questions maybe submitted by email.

Will the School of Medicine of Greenville transition to %100 virtual instruction?There are currently no plans to transition to a virtual instruction format only. Should the UofSC Columbia campus make such a decision, we would work with the University to develop a plan specific to the UofSC SOM Greenville campus.

 Are we able to continue using the school as a study space during dedicated study time?
The medical school building is open for student study. Students must adhere to all safety protocols posted prominently throughout the building. Face coverings and on-site health screening are required to enter. Please enter through the rotunda doors or proceed from the parking deck to the screening station in the rotunda.

Is the medical school building open currently?
The medical school building is now open 24 hours a day.

Students should direct all medical licensing document or school verification letter questions to Casey Wiley

ADDED May 27, 2020
New FAQs on Away Electives  are posted on the M4 Overview page.


UPDATE: What is the current status of convocation/graduation? Is there any contingency plan to celebrate in smaller groups in the case large groups are still discouraged? Will we get our regalia money back if cancelled?
A virtual graduation ceremony is planned for 10 AM on 5/8. The ceremony will include only UofSC School of Medicine Greenville students with recorded comments from Dean Jenkins and  Dean Hall. (UofSC School of Medicine Columbia students will have an otherwise identical ceremony at 12 PM on 5/8). Leanne Brechtel will speak as well. Each student’s name and residency appointment will be announced while his/her ERAS picture is displayed. Plans are for students to pick up diplomas on 5/8 (1-5 PM), 5/11 (11AM-1PM) or 5/12 (3-5 PM).Tables will be set up in the front visitors parking lot for diploma (and award) pick up and designated spots for an opportunity to take a (socially distanced) picture with the Dean will be available. For those who prefer or are unable to attend diplomas will be mailed.

Refunds for regalia rentals will be provided; UofSC School of Medicine Greenville will be purchasing tams for all students as a graduation gift. However please do inform us if you wish to move forward with renting regalia so we can arrange for you to pick it up on May 8th with a return (to the school) date of May 15.

Expect an e-mail with additional details and important forms that must be completed to include preferred pick-up time, mailing address and contact information.

UPDATE: What is the current plan for intensification?
IPM4 intensification for Core and Specialty will be Virtual. Specific information can be found in Canvas. Our goal remains to provide you with the opportunity to meet graduation requirements for an on-time graduation.

When will M4 military students have oaths of office to sign so they can document their promotion? Will this be available at diploma pick up or do students need to individually discuss with their local recruiter?
Students should request the necessary paperwork from their recruiter. Dr. Benjamin Griffeth or any other Senior Officer can sign it. Dr. Griffeth is available to individually sign the paperwork as needed or is happy to complete the process electronically by scanning and a phone call. Dr. Griffeth can be reached at

I am currently on a required clinical rotation to graduate.  How will I complete my clinical requirements to graduate on time?
All current clinical rotations are being converted to virtual learning. If you have a make-up clinical rotation scheduled at a later date, the Curriculum team will work with you, pending AAMC recommendations for students in the clinical learning environment

How much advance notice will we have before re-entering the clinical learning environment?
Once we verify that the CLE will be open to students, we will let you know and hope to do so at least one week in advance.

What if I already made plans to go visit my family after my Step 2 CK exam?
As of 4/30/20, Prisma Health Employee Health requires a two-week quarantine after any travel from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Students who have upcoming clinical rotations therefore are discouraged from traveling to these areas or other new hotspots until after completion of their academic program.

 When will the lottery run for the M4?
The M4 lottery will be run in phases, with AIs being the first phase.  At this time, we are only offering AIs starting in July. After the AI lottery runs, we will allow students to sign up for the waitlist for June AI slots; if June AIs become available, those on the waitlist will be contacted. As we learn more about the re-entry date to the clinical learning environment, we will determine when we will run the M4 Lottery.

I was already scheduled to start my M4 year a clerkship late. Now that I am also required to make up a portion of a second clerkship when the CLE opens back up I am very concerned about being so far behind. How will this affect my M4 and residency interview schedule?
We want to ensure you have adequate time to study for Step 2 CK and CS and have adequate time to interview.  Virtual electives were offered April 20 – May 1 to continue credits during the closure of the clinical learning environment. Currently, we do not have plans to alter our graduation requirements but will re-evaluate if there is a significant delay of a re-entry.

We have received some information about the Clinical Learning Environment (CLE) opening as soon as May 11th, which would be right in the middle of the dedicated study block for those of us scheduled to take Step 2 CK in May or June. I am wondering if we are going to be required to rejoin the CLE regardless, or if additional timing options will be available for those of us scheduled to take Step 2 during this time?
We are working on a communication for your class, pending approval of return to the CLE.  We want to get as many students in your class into the CLE May 11th – June 5th as we can, to avoid overlap with the Class of 2022.  In addition, we want you to complete any OSCE/OSAT (Pass/Fail)  and have comments in your MSPE from your missed clinical rotations. That being said, we are working to offer an alternative block to your class for members who cannot re-schedule their test date at a convenient time for them. We have not recommended any cancellations at this time until we know if/when you can return to the CLE.

Is there a resource where I can find updated specialty specific information about changes in the residency application process for the 2020-2021 year?
Yes. Several specialties have released guidance around their application cycle with more expected to do so. See:  Additional updates regarding ERAS deadlines, interview policies and away elective opportunities are expected within the next 1-2 weeks.

When we reenter the CLE, will be going back to the rotation we were previously in before COVID-19 or will we start our new rotation?
If we receive approval for you to go back in May, you will finish the rotation you left on March 17th.

UPDATE: My Step 2 CK and CS is scheduled for May.  Do I need to push it back and reschedule?
You can find updated information on the USMLE website regarding Step testing. At this time, we recommend that you keep any May or June dates, as the date of return to the clinical learning environment is not known at this time. If the clinical learning environment re-opens, the Office of Academic Affairs will work with you to complete your missed clerkship and complete Step 2 CK and CS. 

UPDATE: What happens to clerkships if there is a prolonged period before we can return to the clinical environment?  
Online clerkships will continue through April 17th; specific information regarding shelf exams is available on the M3 overview page in Canvas. Clinical evaluations (and therefore final grades) will be delayed until students return to the clinical learning environment. Virtual M4 rotations (or virtual M3 electives for students who need to complete these) will begin April 20th.

UPDATE: When will the M4 Lottery take place?
We have intentionally delayed the M4 lottery until we have more information from AAMC and Prisma Health about medical students returning to clinical rotations. The lottery is currently being run in phases. Lottery information can be found on the M4 Overview page.

UPDATE: Will I have to make up the missed time on my required M3 clinical rotations/electives or will it be converted to online/virtual/alternative assignments? 
We are in the process of converting as much information as possible into virtual assignments. There will be a minimum number of clinical weeks (2-3) that students will need to complete per clerkship; the timing of this re-entry is not known at this time.

UPDATE: If I have to complete M3 clinical requirements at a later time, what impact does this have on my M4 Year?
We will begin M4 (virtual) rotations on April 20th, while waiting for re-entry into the clinical learning environment for students to complete Block 6. If needed and with permission of the LCME, we may need to alter graduation requirements. The date of graduation (05/07/21) will remain as scheduled.

NEW! I started the M3 year late and still have another full clerkship to complete, in addition to the clinical weeks for Block 6. When will I begin that clerkship?
Block 1 of the 2020-21 Year will begin either May 11 or June 8, depending on the opening of Prometric sites and ability of the rising M3 students to take Step 1. The Office of Academic Affairs will keep updated information on the M3 Overview Page in Canvas. We are looking at a potential option for some clerkships to begin May 11th even if the rising M3s don’t start until June 8th.

NEW! Will I receive a letter grade for required clerkships if I am not able to complete the full number of weeks in the clinical environment?
Students enrolled in a required Clerkship during the closure of the clinical learning environment (CLE) due to COVID-19 pandemic that results in a student not completing the full number of weeks in the clinical environment will be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis and will not receive a letter grade. This will provide consistency for students across clerkships during the closure of the CLE. The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) will reflect this adjustment to the clinical grading scheme. Please see the Clerkship Policy Covid-19 Waiver for details.

ADDED MARCH 25, 2020
Can I take Step 2 CS without taking CPX?  
We will do our best to re-schedule CPX but if you are unable to take CPX before your date for Step 2 CS, you can make a formal request to proceed. Once we receive information about when testing centers will re-open, there will be a Formstack created for your request.  We understand there will be complexities with CS testing dates and re-scheduling, and we will work with you as much as possible. 

If one of us were to test positive for COVID-19 and had to leave our clinical responsibilities for some period of time, what is the contingency plan?
SOMG Faculty and Staff will work with each student on a case-by-case basis to help ensure progress toward graduation.

If there is a state/local quarantine, what will be the policy regarding clinical duties if we have still not had any known contact or symptoms?
As of 3/17/20, based on AAMC Guidance, all third and fourth year medical students were removed from the clinical learning environment. The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) concurs with this guidance.  We are in continuous communication with other medical schools across the state and the country to develop best practices with them in assuring our students safety and their academic success. As we are doing presently, SOMG will continue to follow national, state, local and university guidelines as they are provided to us. Most importantly, if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have a known exposure, it is the expectation, for the good of the community, your peers and the patients we serve, that you observe CDC Guidelines for self-quarantine and clinical evaluation.

Are CPX dates remaining the same?
No, further details on a rescheduled CPX will be forthcoming. USMLE Step 2 CS testing centers are currently closed.

What does the school know at this time in regards to the impact COVID-19 will have on STEP 2 CK and CS? 
We anticipate availability of dates for testing for both of these exams will be delayed. You can find updated information on the USMLE website regarding Step testing.

Should I continue to apply for away rotations or are they likely going to be cancelled?
While you may choose to continue to apply for away rotations, we cannot predict whether away rotations will be possible given the uncertain duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

UPDATE: How long do you project we will be learning online only?
Students may attend in-person classes will be available on a rotating schedule assigned by cohort beginning July 27 (after COVID-19 test results are available. Information on will be shared on Canvas. M2 students will have an opportunity to sign up for in-person classes. Online synchronous (live-streamed) or asynchronous (recorded) options  will also be available.

Will we have electives available during the block time when we are not studying for Step 1?
For those not taking Step until the Sept-Oct timeframe, we are working to have virtual electives available starting May 11th. We also plan to have electives, virtual or otherwise in Sept-Oct for those of you who have already taken Step 1. Timing of the Step exam really depends on whether or not you prefer to take Step before starting clerkships. For those students who would prefer to get Step 1 behind them, continue to look in May and early June, as nonessential exams are canceled.

NEW! With Prometric sites closed through April 30th, when should M2s take Step 1?

Prometric updates can be found at If you have not done so already, please secure a date before June 8, 2020. If Prometric extends closures into May where a significant number of students cannot take Step 1, we will hold virtual M3 Orientation as scheduled May 5 – 8 and begin clerkships May 11. If Prometric opens and students can take Step 1 in May and early June, clerkships will begin June 8th. Students will need to complete SPECIFIC REQUIRED orientation sessions (available virtually) prior to starting clerkships; remaining orientation activities can be completed within the first week of clerkships. 

UPDATE: Will they move my remediation date, therefore pushing back my Step study time/date?
The Office of Academic Affairs will continue with remediation exams. Additional delays in Step 1 will be addressed on an individual basis.

Are we able to continue using the school as a study space during dedicated study time?

See update in All Student FAQs section.

How will this impact M3 Orientation?  Will it be virtual/online or pushed back?
If needed, M3 Orientation can be made available through an online format.

UPDATE: How long do you project we will be learning online only?
Students may attend in-person classes will be available on a rotating schedule assigned by cohort beginning July 27 (after COVID-19 test results are available. Information on synchronous (live-streamed) or asynchronous (recorded) options will be shared on Canvas.

UPDATE: How long do you project we will be learning online only?
At this point, the remainder of the M1 year will be completed with remote learning. The SOMG has a long-standing history of success for our learners who have elected to attend scheduled class activities remotely in prior years. We do not anticipate a significant change to this demonstrated class attendance pattern nor shift in success in Step 1 outcomes based on a transition to required online learning.

UPDATE: How will we complete the IPM component of our curriculum? Without the ability to do skill labs and see standardized patients will our OSCEs be adjusted in any way?
Dr. Pace is working closely with the SIMS team and Cases and Skills IPM team leaders to keep the IPM-1 course as close to the normal schedule as possible. Starting the week of 4/13, students will begin a series of 4 weekly practice sessions in IPM-1 Skills where the students will have an overview of how to conduct a telemedicine interview and students will practice telemedicine interviews remotely with SPs each week, followed by oral presentation or write-up. The BSPH component of shared decision making, assessing the SPs willingness to engage in making lifestyle changes, etc. will be embedded in the weekly cases. The OSCES will be 4-5 cases of remote telemedicine H&Ps with write ups and one oral presentation (just like the practice for the next 4 weeks). The OSCE dates are unchanged (5/19-5/21) and the Ultrasound OSCE will be a written assessment on 5/22/20. A series of ultrasound practices will be posted on Canvas weekly between now and the final OSCE ultrasound. 

What impact is COVID-19 going to have on interest groups and volunteer opportunities? What steps is the school taking to protect student learners physically?
During school closure, interest groups may meet through online methods only. Clinical care providers who act as interest group mentors will likely have more limited availability due to the increased clinical demand from ill/impacted community members. Our faculty, staff and administration will do as much as possible to ensure interest group focus is maintained. Volunteerism in the community is limited by student choice. We are sensitive to the need to raise awareness that you, your family and our staff, like all community members and employees need to be protected from the potentially significant impact of this illness and its spread. To that end, students, faculty, staff and administration who have symptoms of COVID-19 are asked to act responsibly, self-quarantine, and not participate in non-essential activities.

Is it possible to continue doing EMT shifts if we sign a waiver?
It is not.

What steps is the school taking to protect student learners in fulfilling graduation requirements?
Our school has been on a journey toward recognition as an Apple Distinguished School which has required us to thoughtfully integrate and demonstrate our success in intentional integration of technology into our curriculum and day-to-day organizational efficiency. These efforts have well prepared us to be able to meet the challenges of a move to online learning for our students. We are in a strong position to ensure that our students are successful in fulfilling their graduation requirements.

Resources for Faculty and Staff

Staff and faculty who are designated by a supervisor or manager to work onsite are asked to work remotely until otherwise and will continue to maintain remote work during normal business hours in compliance with university policy for telecommuting. Please contact your supervisor if you need to be added to the list of employees who are working onsite. A mandatory health screening station is in operation at the main entrance to the medical school building to provide required screenings for employees and students entering both the medical school building and the HSAB. Employees arriving on campus during the hours of Monday - Thursday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am - noon are asked to complete this screening before proceeding to your work space. Employees working on campus must also complete a Daily Health Screening Form.

Online Teaching Virtual Class Series:
The University of South Carolina Center for Teaching Excellence constructed a virtual class series on online teaching, in partnership with the two UofSC Schools of Medicine. These four sessions offer valuable insights into course development, design and delivery, and provide a useful set of resources to faculty members. This series is recommended for faculty who are engaged in the delivery of both synchronous (live-streamed) or asynchronous (recorded) content.



The following relevant guidance is found in the EEOC document titled Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (UPDATED IN RESPONSE TO COVID-19 PANDEMIC – March 21, 2020).

Employers and employees should follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as state/local public health authorities on how best to slow the spread of this disease and protect workers, customers, clients, and the general public.  The ADA and the Rehabilitation Act do not interfere with employers following advice from the CDC and other public health authorities on appropriate steps to take relating to the workplace.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) are the definitive sources of information about pandemics. The WHO decides when to declare a pandemic. Pandemic planning and pandemic preparedness include everything from global and national public health strategies to an individual employer’s plan about how to continue operations.

On March 11, 2020, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic.

Based on guidance of the CDC and public health authorities as of March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic meets the direct threat standard.  The CDC and public health authorities have acknowledged community spread of COVID-19 in the United States and have issued precautions to slow the spread, such as significant restrictions on public gatherings.  In addition, numerous state and local authorities have issued closure orders for businesses, entertainment and sport venues, and schools in order to avoid bringing people together in close quarters due to the risk of contagion. These facts manifestly support a finding that a significant risk of substantial harm would be posed by having someone with COVID-19, or symptoms of it, present in the workplace at the current time.  At such time as the CDC and state/local public health authorities revise their assessment of the spread and severity of COVID-19, that could affect whether a direct threat still exists.  
The following appears in the above-referenced EEOC guidance document:
Are there ADA-compliant ways for employers to identify which employees are more likely to be unavailable for work in the event of a pandemic?
Yes. Employers may make inquiries that are not disability-related. An inquiry is not disability-related if it is designed to identify potential non-medical reasons for absence during a pandemic (e.g., curtailed public transportation) on an equal footing with medical reasons (e.g., chronic illnesses that increase the risk of complications). The inquiry should be structured so that the employee gives one answer of "yes" or "no" to the whole question without specifying the factor(s) that apply to him. The answer need not be given anonymously.

External Announcements and Links

The resources below include links to guidance from our Educational Partners including AAMC, LCME, NBME, NRMP, and others.



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.