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McKissick Museum

Faculty and Staff Directory

Lana Burgess

Title: Interim Director
Clinical Professor of Art History and Museum Studies | Graduate Director, Museum Management Program
McKissick Museum
Phone: 803-777-5486
Office: McKissick, 308
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Lana Burgess


  • PhD, Art History, Florida State University (2010)
  • MA, Art History, University of South Carolina (1994)         
  • Certificate of Graduate Study, Museum Management, University of South Carolina                                    
  • BA, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Florida State University (1991)

Areas of Specialization

  • Art of the United States
  • Art of the Twentieth-century
  • Cold War propaganda
  • University museums
  • Curatorial practice
  • Exhibition development and interpretation
  • Collections management
  • Museum leadership


Lana Burgess holds a joint appointment between the McKissick Museum and the School of Visual Art and Design, where she teaches art history. Prior to coming to USC, Burgess coordinated the museum studies program at Florida State University and worked as the associate curator of paintings and sculpture at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Alabama. She co-authored “Sharing Credit: Public Historians and Scientists Reflecting on Collaboration,” with Soumitra Ghoshroy, Allison Marsh, and Sarah Scripps in The Public Historian, Vol. 35 No. 2, May 2013. She has presented her research at the American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, the College Art Association, the Southeastern Museums Conference, and the South Carolina Federation of Museums. She was a fellow in the inaugural class of Association of Academic Museums and Galleries’ sponsored Kellogg School of Management's Center for Nonprofit Management in 2012. She was a recipient of 2014-2015 Teaching Excellence Grant in Integrative Learning from USC’s Center for Teaching Excellence and the 2016 SCOER! Faculty Award from Thomas Cooper Library. She is a field reviewer for the Institute of Museum and Library Services and sits on the board of the Museum Studies Network (formerly the Committee on Museum Professional Training), a professional network of American Alliance of Museums. She also serves on the Board of Directors for the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries.

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