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McKissick Museum

  • Sweet grass basket

Traveling Exhibitions

Local histories and culture are an important part of our understanding of South Carolina, but too often these unique stories remain untold. Our Traveling Exhibitions programs allows other museums to display our exhibitions that tell the story of Southern life. 

Sandy Islanders: A People of the Land

This exhibition displays the lives of residents of Sandy Island through photography and interviews, building on the important early work of novelist Julia Peterkin and photographer Doris Ulmann. Creating intimate portraits of Sandy Islanders, photo-documentarian Vennie Deas-Moore examines the Island’s rich history. Her photographs and interviews touch upon early Carolina lowcountry life, its successful rice culture, its time-honored African traditions, and the multigenerational African American families that tie them all together.

Rental Fees

Rental fees are $1,000 and must be made at least six months prior to opening date. 


Dawn of Freedom: The Freedmen’s Town of Mitchelville

This exhibition explores one of the first self-governing towns formed by self-liberated African Americans during the Civil War. Dawn of Freedom draws on historic documents and photographs that examine the relationship between Mitchelville and the Union Army, discussing the rapid development of the community into a short-lived town that featured its own legal system.

Rental Fees

Rental fees are $2,500 for a 12-week venue plus insurance costs. 


This Far by Faith: Carolina Camp Meetings, An African-American Tradition 

Drawing on striking black and white photographs created by Minuette Floyd, This Far by Faith documents the cultural and religious traditions at seven camp meeting sites in North and South Carolina. As an artist who grew up experiencing these rich traditions first hand, Floyd uses photography and personal interviews with camp ground residents to preserve the history, spiritual fellowship, and sense of community that radiates from this rich African-American tradition.

Rental Fees

Rental fees are $2,500 for a 12-week venue plus insurance and transit costs. Reservations must be made at least six months prior to the opening date. 

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.