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Linguistics Program

Cocky Talk

During the Spring semester of 2013, the University of South Carolina’s Linguistics 205/University 201 class set out to create a slang dictionary. Within this dictionary, users can read about slang words used on campus and about different topics related to UofSC slang.


Trying to speak a little cooler, feel hip and in the know? You’ve come to the right place.

This is Cocky Talk, a slang dictionary made by students for students at the University of South Carolina. Here you will find the slang words, phrases, and definitions most commonly used around campus in order to help you stay in the know and speak a little cockier. 

These words and phrases are used in just about every college setting so don’t be lame and get hip to our slang!

As you read through Cocky Talk, keep in mind that many slang words refer to topics that are taboo, illicit, and potentially offensive.

Over the course of several months the class conducted research and collected data in a variety of ways in both group projects and individual research. Each student created and collected surveys filled out by members of the UofSC community. Because the intention was to capture a snapshot of relevant slang words and phrases used around campus and in the general Columbia area, Cocky Talk is not exhaustive. We hope that it will be improved and updated in the future.

Thanks to both the Linguistics Program and the University 101 Program at UofSC for their support!

This website is the result of a semester-long class project, with the research, writing, and editing completed by the Spring 2013 students of LING 205/UNIV 201. As such, the views contained herein and in any subsequent pages related to Cocky Talk reflect solely the opinions and views of the students of that class and do not reflect the views of any faculty or staff at UofSC or of UofSC as a whole. When possible, the students responsible for specific material in Cocky Talk have been identified and noted.

Contact the Linguistics Program director if you are Interested in continuing this project or want more information.

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