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Giving at South Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions

How does my gift make a difference?

Our contributions help fulfill our mission by providing scholarships, enhancing programs, and supporting our university community. The more people who choose to give, the greater the collective impact will be. Your generous giving creates a culture of philanthropy dedicated to student success that inspires our future alumni and friends of the university.


As an employee, why should I also donate to the University?

Gifts to USC have a powerful effect on the university’s ability to remain a top-tier institution. It is hard to ask the community to support if we don’t believe in our work enough to invest in it ourselves. When USC’s faculty and staff support through employee giving, it sends a message to our community as well as current and potential donors that employees believe in the college’s vision and mission. Corporations and foundations also look for high levels of support from our faculty and staff when making funding decisions.


Is the USC Employee giving program called the Family Fund?

The faculty and staff giving program has been known as the Family Fund even though it was not a specific fund. Employees can choose to donate to any fund at the university and the name Carolina Commitment has evolved to encompass the many ways employees can choose to give back. You can designate your gift to any academic program, department, or area of interest, from scholarships to study abroad. Faculty and staff giving has generated over $50 million in support of our students, campuses, programs and initiatives for more than 40 years. Collective giving makes a tremendous impact!


How much should I give?

You select the size and designation of your gift, according to your own charitable interests and your financial capacity. Whether your gift is $1 per pay period or a one-time gift of $100, the university family is grateful for your commitment. Just like the work we do, all our gifts combine to make a difference. It is not the size of your gift that matters--it is your participation that counts!

What can I give to?

The University of South Carolina has more than 2,000 funds you can support. It's up to you to select the area that means the most to you. You may choose to support a specific department or program, technology improvements, the library, one of the many scholarships that are available to South Carolina students, or many other options.


Can my spouse’s employer match my contribution?

Your spouse may work for one of the many corporations that match gifts made by their employees. Some double or triple each dollar contributed. Please visit our matching gifts page to discover if your spouse’s employer will match your gift. The company’s human resources office can provide details and a matching gift form.

Can I make a gift jointly with my spouse?

Of course! A number of university employees also have spouses who work at South Carolina, or the spouse is an alumnus but not a university employee. It is your choice whether to make your gift as an individual or as a couple.


How does payroll deduction work?

Payroll deduction is one of the fastest, easiest and most convenient ways to make a gift. By completing the payroll deduction form, you specify the amount you would like automatically deducted each pay period, the start date, and where your support should be designated. You can have an amount deducted for a specified number of months.

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