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Discover USC

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research

For Presenters

We are pleased to provide information and guidelines to ensure all Discover USC presenters are ready for success. Our basic presentation guidelines document [pdf] provides a quick view of the most essential details for every presentation type and every presenter group. For more resources and guidance, visit the page corresponding to your presenter group.

Presenters who still have questions after reviewing the information targeted to their group are welcome to contact us for support.


Hanging your poster

If you will be presenting a poster at Discover USC, you do not need to bring anything (tacks, tape, etc.) to hang your poster. Four t-pins will be in place at your poster slot when you arrive. Please use the t-pins to fasten your poster to the board for the duration of your presentation, then leave them in the board for the next presenter or for the clean-up crew.



Discover USC, Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.