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Law Enforcement and Safety

Safety Presentations

Access safety-based programs and workshops presented by experienced professionals.

Presentations & Workshops

Our safety experts are happy to speak to University 101 classes and other academic courses, meetings, student and faculty organizations, residence halls and more. Our free presentations span a variety of safety-related topics.

Learn about general and specific methods of personal protection, plus practical tips for staying safe in our community and tools that are available to enhance your personal safety.

Learn what to do, how to protect yourself and how police will respond in the event of an active shooter.

Get more information about responding to an active shooter.

Learn precautions for preventing theft, vehicle vandalism and ways you can help ensure your personal safety in and around a parking garage.

Learn ways to better secure your residence whether on and off campus. A free building survey is also available.

Register for a free workshop available to students, faculty and staff. Presentations are either 1-hour lectures or 2-hour interactive workshops.

Learn about workplace violence, the need for careful threat assessment, intervention, critical incident response and crisis management. Participants will learn how to defuse hostile and potentially dangerous behavior of co-workers, disgruntled employees, customers or domestic violence offenders in the workplace.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.