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Law Enforcement and Safety

Making a Report

Learn how to report an accident, crime or suspicious activity on campus or to connect to local police throughout Columbia area.

Reporting a Crime or Suspicious Activity

If you are the victim of or a witness to a crime or accident:

1. Contact the police immediately in one of the following ways:

  • Dial 911. The non-emergency line is 803-777-4215.
  • Use the Rave Guardian Safety AppIt will connect you directly to the police.
  • Come to headquarters. Come in-person to 1415 Henderson Street (1600 Hampton Street Annex).
  • Use an emergency call box. Push the red button on an emergency call box for a crime in progress.

2. Obtain a description.

Try to have a description of an offender(s) age, gender, hair, race and clothing. For a vehicle, try to get the license plate number and the direction if it's moving.

3. Preserve the crime scene.

Do not touch any items involved in an incident and do not allow others into the scene until police arrive.


Victim Services

For assistance in the aftermath of the crime, call Victim Services at 803-777-4215.


Area Law Enforcement

If you need assistance off campus, contact the appropriate police department that services your current location. In an emergency, dial 911.



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