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Fraternity and Sorority Life

  • Students in NPHC fraternities and sororities hang out together on the UofSC horseshoe.

CGC Membership Intake

Membership intake is a structured process through which organizations within the Cultural Greek Council (CGC) select, educate, and initiate new members who align with their core values of diversity, inclusion, and cultural awareness. While most organizations conduct intake each semester, they may opt not to hold an intake process for a semester of the academic year. 

Intake Orientation

Registration Information

Attendance at an Intake Orientation is required for anyone interested in participating in CGC membership intake. This program is designed to educate potential members on the following: 

  • The history of each organization within the council 
  • The history and purpose of the Cultural Greek Council 
  • Federal, state, and university anti-hazing laws and policies 

You are only required to attend one session per academic year. If you attend an Intake Orientation in Fall 2025, you will not need to attend again in Spring 2026 to join an organization. 

Fall Intake Orientation Dates
  • September 2
  • September 10
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Meet individual organization GPA and other requirements
  • Have attended an Intake Orientation session within the last academic year in which membership is pursued
  • Some organizations will require at least one semester of college credit. Please reach out to the president of the chapter of interest for more details.  

Organizations will determine which semester they will host intake. Each organization usually hosts intake for both the fall and spring semesters but be sure to follow-up with chapter of your interest. 

Membership Intake Process

Processes for each organization may slightly differ, however, they closely align with the following steps:

  1. Attend at least one Intake Orientation per academic year.
  2. Attend the organization's informational or interest meeting.
  3. Apply to the organization.
  4. Meet organization requirements and receive an acceptance letter.
  5.  Successfully complete each education session and initiate into the organization 

The amount of time the process takes will vary, but they usually take between six to eight weeks. If individuals fail to successfully complete education sessions, they may be asked to leave the membership intake process. 

Intake Process Requirements

  • Each chapter must file a list of intended candidates with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life immediately following any informational meetings.
  • No chapter shall intake members prior to meeting the requirements of the college/university and its national organization.
  • Hazing in any form, including physical and mental abuse, is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
  • Each organization has a grade point average and credits earned requirement.

Ask the right questions.

  • What is the organization's GPA requirement?
  • What community service does your organization do?
  • What other organizations are your members involved in?
  • How much time will I need to commit to membership intake?
  • What kind of time commitment is involved as a member?

Do your research.

  • Look at each organization's national website to learn more about the mission, purpose, and involvement of the organization. 
  • Look up the chapter's social media accounts to get to know who active they are on campus.
  • Be open minded–organizations vary from campus to campus!

Attend and partipate in Greek events.

  • This includes themed weeks, chapter programming and community service projects.
Get involved on campus.
  • Aspiring members are more attractive to Greek organizations when they participate in cultural awareness events and organizations on campus. 
  • Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc.
  • Delta Epsilon Psi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc.
  • Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc.
  • Omega Delta Phi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.