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Classes on the Columbia campus beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 and all classes scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27 will be virtual.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Scholarship Appeals

Scholarship appeals are due by August 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm.  Appeals will only be accepted electronically through the Scholarship Appeal Form that is  accessible through Self Service Carolina. 

The University of South Carolina has established a policy that provides for a formal appeal when a student's scholarship is not renewed because he or she has failed to achieve the 3.00 UofSC grade point average required for renewal from one year to the next.  The scholarships that may be appealed under this policy include only General University Scholarships (those awarded through the Undergraduate Admissions Office to incoming freshmen) and Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee (SFAC) Scholarships (those awarded through the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships in the name of that committee). Please note that this is separate from any Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal that a student might have to complete for federal financial aid.

Procedures for Implementation

Scholarship recipients' grades are reviewed for the purpose of determining continuing eligibility each year at the conclusion of the spring semester.

Students not meeting the renewal 3.00 UofSC grade point average will receive notification that their scholarship eligibility has been suspended. This notification will indicate that the student should attend summer school* in order to regain that eligibility requirement. Further, it will disclose that if he or she is unable to resolve the eligibility concern for renewal through summer school enrollment that this appeal opportunity is available for certain qualifying conditions.


Each student will be allowed only one processed appeal. Second or subsequent appeals will not be accepted for consideration.

 Appeals must be accompanied by the appropriate documentation designated within the policy and by the due date indicated within the notification of suspension in order to be considered complete and sent to the committee for review. A completed appeal must include the following:

  • A letter of explanation from the student indicating what condition they are appealing under and detailing the situation for the appeal. The letter should also outline how the student plans to improve their overall UofSC GPA.
  • Supporting documentation as outlined under the appropriate appeal condition.

An appeal will only be honored for a low grade point average. Appeals from students failing to meet other eligibility requirements such as failing to file a leave of absence request for a semester when enrollment is not possible will not be considered.

  • Documented serious health condition of the appellant to include illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition. Supporting documentation must include a statement by a medical authority supporting the appeal and explaining the serious health condition.
  • Documented trauma upon the appellant. Supporting documentation must include legal, medical, law enforcement, etc., report noting the occurrence of a sudden or uncontrollable event which adversely affected the student’s academic performance.
  • Documented death or serious health condition of an immediate family member of the appellant; immediate family limited to mother, father, sibling, spouse, or child. Supporting documentation must include death certificate, public notice of the death, or statement by a doctor supporting the serious health condition.
  • Documented call to military active duty not including military training. Supporting documentation will be appropriate military paperwork.


  • issues related to general college adjustment
  • issues related to adjustment to a specific class/classes or a specific professor/professors
  • issues related to roommate or housing situations
  • issues related to personal/family relationships including separation or divorce
  • issues related to a change in college or major
  • issues related to employment
  • failure to request a leave of absence during a semester away from the University
  •  All appeals will be reviewed in the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships for completion as outlined in this policy. Submitted appeals not meeting the conditions as outlined as an acceptable condition of appeal or not complete by the stated deadline will be denied.
  • Completed appeals meeting the conditions as an acceptable condition of appeal will be reviewed by members of the Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee who will be convened to approve or disapprove them. Appeals will be decided by a majority of the members attending the appeal meeting. 
  • The decision of the Committee will be final
  • All approved appeals will be required to regain complete eligibility by the end of the following summer school term or term designated by the Student Financial Aid Committee. 
  • All filers will be notified in writing of: appeal approval, appeal denial, or appeal not accepted for review.

*In order for summer school enrollment to affect the UofSC grade point average, attendance must be within the UofSC system.

**Revised 2/01/2022


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
