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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Learning Outcomes Assessment

Learning Outcomes Assessment


After you have determined learning outcomes for your courses, what’s the next step? Learning outcomes have maximum value when combined with specific measureable methods of assessing student learning. For example, each learning outcome in a syllabus should relate to an item to be evaluated (e.g. test 20%, project 40%, etc.). Then each item should have an assessment method. This session highlights the breadth and scope of assessment practices that may be used to objectively measure learning.

About the Facilitator

Jed Lyons is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering and Computing. He is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the former Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence. He is the recipient of the University of South Carolina's Michael J. Mungo Teaching Award, Joseph Biedenbach Distinguished Service Award and Samuel Litman Distinguished Professor Award. He was also elected Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education. His research and interests include engineering education, composites and reinforced plastics, design and manufacturing of renewable materials.

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