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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Innovative Assessment

Innovative Assessment


The purpose of this session is to generate and share ideas in relation to innovative assessment. "Assessment methods and requirements probably have a greater influence on how and what students learn than any other single factor. This influence may well be of greater importance than the impact of teaching materials" (Boud 1988). We know that students have to do assessments but imagine that you have to sell your assessments to the students, would they want to buy it? To explore this concept further, this workshop explores the key factors for successful innovation and the associated risk while still meeting the intended learning outcomes. Different assessment tools and techniques are discussed. 

About the Facilitator

Rai Shacklock is the former Head of the UK Centre for Events Management at Leeds Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. She was active in the development and promotion of the academic portfolio and constantly ensured that assessment, learning and teaching was kept at the cutting edge. She was appointed a Teacher Fellow at the university and was awarded the Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence. Rai has actively been involved with International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (CHRIE). She was an area consultant, President and Director of Membership and was also appointed President of International CHRIE and was the first European to hold this position. She has now been appointed as EuroCHRIE Federation Administrator and deals with the day-to-day communication of the Federation and is still actively involved with International CHRIE.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
