One of the major recent reforms in education involves pausing within a lecture to ask conceptual questions during class and receiving equally important feedback from students in a timely manner. By doing this students have opportunities to work with new material and faculty can collect immediate student feedback. Backed by evidence of tremendous learning benefits, this reform has spread to teaching medium-size and large classes in almost all disciplines. In this colloquium participants learn productive ways to use the classroom response systems from one of the creators of the iClicker™—specifically, how to integrate peer instruction and formative assessment into the lecture to increase student engagement, interest and learning.
About the Presenter
Timothy Stelzer is a Research Associate Professor from the University of Illinois. A high-energy particle theorist, Stelzer has concentrated on standard model physics as hadron colliders. He is a member of the Physics Education Group at the University of Illinois, where he has led the development and implementation of tools for assessing the effectiveness of educational innovations in introductory courses and expanding the use of web technology in physics pedagogy. He was instrumental in the development of the iClicker™ and is a regular on the University’s "Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students."