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Assignments and Assessments in Blackboard


Find out how Blackboard can actually save you time in not only making assignments, but also in helping you grade students' work quickly and accurately, giving them immediate feedback and letting them see where they stand in your class. Did you know that you can use your existing Word or text files with a test generator to speed up the process of creating questions for assessments? Have you ever thought that there must be more flexible ways to easily change questions? Have you wondered how to add images to questions and answer choices, and how to create a variety of question types? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then this session will be valuable for you. Learn multiple strategies for harnessing the power of Blackboard to create assignments and assessments that efficiently and effectively measure student learning.

About the Presenter

Sherry Grosso is an Instructor of Economics in the Division of Business Administration and Economics at USC Sumter. Her research focuses on innovative ways to incorporate technology into the University classroom to improve student learning. Sherry is also a certified Quality Matters Course Reviewer.

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