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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Online Student

Past Recipients

Distributed Learning Quality Review Grant 2019

The Provost's Office instituted a Distributed Learning Quality Review process (DLQR) in 2013 as part of its commitment to ensuring high-quality distributed learning courses at the university. To successfully complete the review, each course must meet basic standards for design quality and ADA accessibility, which are spelled out in a review checklist approved by the Provost's Committee on Distributed Learning.

Each year, the Provost's office contacts departments whose distributed-learning courses are slated for review, and the department chair designates a faculty member to prepare each course for the review. The review is conducted by instructional designers from the Center for Teaching Excellence and approved by the Provost's Distributed Learning Committee. Faculty preparing courses for review have access to assistance from CTE instructional designers and are eligible to receive a small course revision grant.

Grant Recipients 2019

Salandra Bowman, Instructor, African American Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

AFAM 201, Introduction to African American Studies

Salandra Bowman

Dawn Campbell, Instructor, Women's and Gender Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

WGST 112, Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies

Dawn Campbell

Sherry Grosso, Instructor of Economics, Division of Business Administration and Economics, UofSC Sumter

MGSC 290 Computer Information Systems in Business and ECON 222 Principles of Macroeconomics

Sherry Grosso

Marketa Kubickova, Assistant Professor, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 
College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

HRTM 110 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

Marketa Kubickova

Jingling Liu, Assistant Professor, Library and Information Science, School of Library and Information Science

EDRM 801 Principles and Applications of Educational Research and EDRM 700 Introduction to Research in Education

Jingling Liu

Holly Overton, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, College of Information and Communications

JOUR 201 Principles of Public Relations

Holly Overton

Amanda "Mandi" Schlegel, Assistant Professor, Instrumental Music Education, School of Music

MUSC 210 Understanding the Psychology of Music

Amanda Schlegel

Chuhan (Renee) Wang, Instructor, Hotel, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management

HRTM 280 Foundations of Tourism

Chuhan (Renee) Wang

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