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Center for Teaching Excellence

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Past Recipients

Distributed Learning Quality Review Grant 2018

The Provost's Office instituted a Distributed Learning Quality Review process (DLQR) in 2013 as part of its commitment to ensuring high-quality distributed learning courses at the university. To successfully complete the review, each course must meet basic standards for design quality and ADA accessibility, which are spelled out in a review checklist approved by the Provost's Committee on Distributed Learning. 

Each year, the Provost's office contacts departments whose distributed-learning courses are slated for review, and the department chair designates a faculty member to prepare each course for the review. The review is conducted by instructional designers from the Center for Teaching Excellence and approved by the Provost's Distributed Learning Committee. Faculty preparing courses for review have access to assistance from CTE instructional designers and are eligible to receive a small course revision grant.

Grant Recipients 2018

John Abdalla, Instructor of History, Extended University, Palmetto College

HIST 111 United States History to 1865 and HIST 112 United States History since 1865

John Abdalla

Sanda Avinger, Instructor, Instruction and Teacher Education, College of Education, Palmetto College

EDEL 305 Nature and Management of Elementary Classrooms

Sandra Avinger

Daniela Friedman, Professor and Department Chair, Co-Director, Office for the Study of Aging, Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health

HPEB 711 Applied Health Communication

Daniela Friedman

Tom Hughes, Senior Lecturer, School of Accounting, Darla Moore School of Business

ACCT 324 Commercial Law

Tom Hughes

Jin Liu, Instructor, Educational Psychology and Research, Educational Studies, College of Education

EDRM 801 Principles and Applications of Educational Research and EDRM 700 Introduction to Research in Education
Jin Liu

Helene Maire-Afeli, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, USC Union

CHEM 105 Chemistry and Modern Society I and CHEM 107 Forensic Chemistry
Helene Maire-Afeli

Patti Marinelli, Senior Instructor, Spanish, Languages, Literature and Cultures

SPAN 109 Beginning Spanish I and SPAN 110 Beginning Spanish II
Patti Marinelli

Robert Ogilvie, Professor Emeritus, Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences

BIOL 530 Histology
Robert Ogilvie

Yvette Sands, Curriculum And Instruction, College Of Education

SPTE Computer Applications in Sport and Entertainment Management
Yvette Sands

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