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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • Bootcamp

Past Recipients

3Ds Boot Camp: Design, Develop, and Deliver an Online Course Grant

The Center for Teaching Excellence, with support from the Office of the Provost, awarded eight USC faculty members grants to participate in the inaugural cohort "3Ds Bootcamp: Design, Develop, and Deliver an Online Course." The goal of the 3Ds Bootcamp is to equip faculty members with the skills they need to launch a top-notch online course. Phase I included daily participation in a weeklong face-to-face training workshop conducted in May 2007 at the Center for Teaching Excellence. Phase II began immediately thereafter, and requires continued collaboration with a designated CTE instructional designer and completion of the online course development in accordance with the university’s quality assurance standards. Any faculty member or adjunct instructor at USC Columbia or the Palmetto College campuses is eligible to apply.

Award Recipients 2017

Yaroslaw Bazaliy
(PHYS 3xx: Einstein’s Relativity: Understanding by Example)

Yaroslaw Bazaliy will develop a new course, Einstein’s Relativity: Understanding by Example, which will be offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The course, which is designed for undergraduate non-science majors, employs the pedagogical teaching approach used by the famed physicist David Merman of Cornell University. Relativity is a difficult subject, but nevertheless a cornerstone of the modern understanding of the world. Therefore, offering this course in an online format will give students across the disciplines the tools and flexibility needed to gain this foundational knowledge.

Yaroslaw BazaliyBazaliy

Andy Gillentine
(SPTE 385: Ethics in Sport and Entertainment Business,)

Andy Gillentine is converting a face-to-face (F2F) course, Ethics in Sport and Entertainment Business, to a 100% asynchronous online course. Having taught this course F2F for many years, he looks forward to making it more convenient for the growing number of SPTE majors to complete key courses online while they are away from campus due to work, internships, and study abroad. Once completed, Dr. Gillentine intends to submit this course for consideration for the Carolina Core under the VSR (Values, Ethics, and Social Responsibility) component.

Andy GillentineGillentine

Deborah Hazzard-Robinson
(MGMT 371 - Principles of Management)

Deborah Hazzard, a Clinical Assistant Professor of Management in the Darla Moore School of Business (DMSB), is a veteran online instructor. Her current project involves converting Principles of Management, a course for incoming business students, from a traditional classroom format to 100% asynchronous online delivery. Focusing on rigor, relevance, and student engagement, Dr. Hazzard hopes this course will serve as a template for future DMSB courses that will be taught online.

Deborah Hazzard-RobinsonHazzard-Robinson

Lara Lomicka-Anderson
(UNIV 401)

Professor of French/Applied Linguistics, Faculty Principal of Preston Residential College, and Graduation with Leadership Distinction (GLD) instructor, Lara Lomicka-Anderson will create the University’s online version of UNIV 401, a one-credit hour course designed to assist students in demonstrating the capacity to integrate their learning. First offered online in Spring 2018, this course will offer guided development of a GLD e-portfolio, which students will use to evidence their ability to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others.

Lara Lomicka-AndersonLomicka-Anderson

Diane McGhee Valle
(DANC 101)

Teacher, choreographer, and researcher, Diane McGhee Valle is developing a sixteen-week 100% online version of Dance 101 – Dance Appreciation, which will be first offered during the Spring 2018 term. The course will subsequently also be delivered in eight week increments. Through this course, Professor Valle continues her mission of demystifying dance creation and performance for non-dance majors. She plans to share the online platform of her newly-developed course with colleagues in her department who might also teach online sections of Dance Appreciation.

Diane McGhee ValleMcGhee Valle

Jacob Rivers
(ENG 285: Special Topics in American Literature: Major American Writers)

Jacob Rivers, Director for the USC-Columbia Office of Veterans Services by day, teaches Special Topics in American Literature: Major American Writers for the University’s On Your Time Initiative during the evening. Rivers will transform this well-loved F2F course to a blended format beginning with the Fall 2018 term. An avid proponent of active learning, he looks forward to providing students in his hybrid course with meaningful interactive exercises, as well.

Jacob RiversRivers

Jennifer Vendemia
(Psych 405: Cognitive Psychology)

By special request of her program director, Jennifer Vendemia is transforming her traditional Cognitive Psychology course to a completely online format. With a rich experimental history, cognitive psychology concerns how we process information once we sense stimuli from the environment. Because of the interactive nature of cognition, Vendemia explains, online presentation can offer students a superior learning experience. The first online version of this popular course will be offered in Spring 2018.

Jennifer VendemiaVendemia

Yang Wang
(EDRD 716: Reading Assessment)

Yang Wang, Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education, is creating a 100% asynchronous online version of EDRD 716 Reading Assessment, a graduate-level practicum course. Successful completion of the course is a requirement for earning the S.C. Literacy Teacher Certificate. Thus, the online version launched in Spring 2018 will provide convenience and wider access to students from across the state who otherwise might be unable to meet in a traditional, face-to-face format.

Yang WangWang

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.