*Required fields
Please enter your name.
To receive a copy of your preferences, enter your email address.
Please indicate whether you might have leave or reduced teaching for any reason next AY.
Which core course would you most like to teach?
Which course would be your second choice?
Which course would be your third choice?
Would you prefer to repeat a course class in the spring, or mix it up?
Would you be interested in teaching a large lecture section of 240 or 300 with TA support?
Please select two to four electives you might like to teach next AY.
If you selected one or more special topics electives above, please indicate the specific topics you have in mind.
We will likely offer two, maybe three, 500-level topics courses that should provide "integrative" experiences for our majors. If you would like to offer such a course, please list the topic here.
We may be able to offer one or two graduate seminars. To make, these should engage graduate students in a number of disciplines (e.g., Art History, English, History, Library and Information Science, Media Arts). If you have an idea for a graduate class, please list it here.
In recent semesters, we've found success in enrolling MWF morning classes. Would you be willing to give it a try?
Would you prefer to teach classes back-to-back, or would your rather have them spread out?
Would you be interested in teaching two-half semesters, i.e, one course at time, more intensively.
If you have any comments about your teaching preferences, including unusual room or scheduling requirements, please enter them here.