Courses in the Film and Media Studies major cultivate essential media literacy skills, investigate media history from an international
perspective, and engage the central methods and concepts of the discipline.
By working closely with the program faculty , you have the opportunity to undertake advanced research on almost any aspect of
media culture—from early Hollywood to contemporary Asian cinema and European television,
from home movies and experimental films to selfies and social networks, from problems
of industrial organization to questions of genre development and social habit.
Our internationally regarded faculty is invested in student success. As a film and media studies major, you'll have the
opportunity to work with this dedicated faculty on advanced research, studying almost
anything that interests you. This is an exciting field, with many options to combine
explorations of media artworks, histories, industries, and audiences with the production
of media art.
We value popular culture and encourage exploration of what it means. To do that well,
we encourage students to learn and create beyond the classroom . There are many opportunities at USC to enhance your degree in Film and Media Studies, including undergraduate research, study abroad, and pathways
to Graduation with Leadership Distinction.
Our partners on campus and off allow us to offer a richer experience to all film and media studies
students. They offer numerous ways for you to get involved with projects outside of
your regular classes. We offer numerous opportunities for you to get involved locally,
often through Columbia's non-profit art house cinema, The Nickelodeon Theatre.
We encourage you to take advantage of everything we have to offer and apply .