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Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Department Welcomes Dr. Wendy Regoeczi as New Department Chair

The department is pleased to welcome Dr. Wendy Regoeczi as the new department chair. Dr. Regoeczi was a criminology faculty member at Cleveland State University for the past two decades. She served as the Director of Cleveland State University's Crimnology Research Center for 14 years. In 2015, she became Interim Chair of her department and a year later, she was selected to serve a full term as Department Chair. In 2019, she accepted the position of Interim Associate Dean for Faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. Her teaching and research interests focus on interpersonal violence, with the bulk of her research on homicide, including homicide trends and patterns, police investigation of homicides, homicide followed by suicide, and methodological issues in studying homicide.

Welcome Wendy Regoeczi

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Regoeczi!

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