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Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice


We awards scholarships to entering and continuing students. 

To apply for a scholarship, download the scholarship application [pdf]. When complete, save and email to the Director of Undergraduate Affairs, Ms. Shamauri Jenkins-Robinson, at by May 15th for Fall semester consideration, or October 15th for spring semester consideration.

For an Entering Police Officer

Robert A. Wilbur Police Scholarship

Annual Value: $500
Four-Year value: $2000

Awarded to a Columbia police officer who has served a minimum of three years of sworn service to the Columbia Police Department and is seeking higher education. The student must be admitted to the University of South Carolina and accepted as a criminal justice major or into the M.A. Program. The student must declare their intention to continue in the police service career. The award of $500 per semester is renewable for up to three years as long as the student maintains a minimum “B” average. 

For Continuing Students

J. P. Strom Undergraduate Scholarship

Annual Value: $1500
Three-Year value: $4500

Awarded to a continuing student (minimum 30 hours completed) majoring in criminology and criminal justice and attending the USC Columbia campus. Applicants must have successfully completed at least 30 credit hours at USC, including a minimum of six hours of criminology and criminal justice course work and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Criteria used for selection of the successful J. P. Strom Undergraduate Scholar include outstanding academic achievement, leadership, and service. The award of $750 per semester is renewable for up to three years as long as the student maintains a minimum “B” average. 

Award Details

The J. P. Strom Endowment was established in 1979 to honor the former chief of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED). Strom was one of the key supporters of the early development of law enforcement education in South Carolina. He was instrumental in the creation of the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy and the establishment of the College of Criminal Justice in 1974. This fund is designated in support of the values of innovation, leadership, and professionalism that were strongly associated with Chief Strom.

Scholarships are awarded based on demonstrated achievement, leadership ability, community service and on the strength and coherence of applicants’ responses to an essay question.

All scholarships are $750 per semester with a 3-year value of $4,500. The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice will fund no more than three awards (new + continuing) per semester. The award is renewable for up to three years as long as a grade point average of 3.0 is maintained.

  • Applicants must be continuing CRJU majors having successfully completed a minimum of 30 credit hours at USC, including 6 credit hours of Criminology and Criminal Justice course work.

  • Recipients must maintain full-time status (at least 15 credit hours per semester) in the department with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States.

  • Essay: Must be word processed following guidelines

  • Two references: One academic and one service-related.

Meredith Thompson Undergraduate Scholarship

Annual Value: $1000
Three-Year value: $3000

Awarded to a continuing student (sophomore, junior, senior) majoring in criminology and criminal justice and attending the USC Columbia campus. Applicants must have successfully completed at least 30 credit hours at USC, including a minimum of six hours of criminology and criminal justice course work and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Criteria used for the selection of the Meredith Thompson Undergraduate Scholar include integrity, leadership, academic excellence, and dedication to criminal justice. The award of $500 per semester is renewable for up to three years as long as the student maintains a minimum “B” average. 

Award Details

Meredith Thompson served with distinction as a special agent with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Meredith served for a brief period in the D.E.A. Columbia, SC office, and she was assigned to the D.E.A.’s Miami office from 1985 to 1994.

Meredith enjoyed remarkable success during her career with D.E.A. During 1985 basic training, Meredith established new female physical training records which have yet to be broken.

  • Two-mile run record of 12 minutes

  • Highest physical training score for females nationwide

During Meredith’s tenure in Miami, Florida, Meredith participated in hundreds of arrests, investigations, and raids in some of the most dangerously recognized areas of Miami. Agents describe Meredith as a fearless, tenacious, drug agent who was immensely popular with her fellow agents. Meredith was often singled-out as one who maintained the highest standards of the D.E.A.: integrity, dedication, drive, and leadership. During her career Meredith served in various undercover and enforcement assignments overseas. In 1993, Meredith volunteered for the D.E.A.’s most dangerous and demanding assignments. While in training, Meredith excelled and was again recognized for her outstanding physical abilities and mental determination. Meredith was selected as one of only fourteen agents for special operations in the Peruvian jungle—Operation Snowcap—a mission dedicated to eliminating cocaine production in Peru.

Apart from her work, Meredith was very active promoting all aspects of the University of South Carolina and specifically the athletics programs.

Tragically, on August 27, 1994, Meredith and four other D.E.A. special agents were killed while conducting counter narcotics operations in the jungles of Peru during a search for clandestine cocaine processing plants. This endowment was established in memoriam of DEA Special Agent Meredith Thompson. The scholarship rewards those students who exemplify the same qualities Thompson was well known for: personal integrity, professional dedication, and academic scholarship.

Scholarships are awarded based on demonstrated achievement, leadership ability, community service and on the strengths and coherence of applicants’ responses to an essay question.

Depending upon the availability of funding, the department awards one $1,000 scholarship per year (distributed in two equal amounts of $500 for fall and spring semesters). The award is renewable for up to three years as long as a grade point average of 3.0 is maintained.

  • Applicants must be continuing CRJU majors having successfully completed a minimum of 30 credit hours at USC, including 6 credit hours of Criminology and Criminal Justice course work.

  • Recipients must maintain full-time status (at least 15 credit hours per semester) in the department with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States.

  • Essay: Must be word processed following guidelines

  • Two references: One academic and one service related.

J.P Strom Non-Resident Scholar Award

Annual Value: $500 (sophomores and juniors), $1000 (seniors)
Three Year value: $2000

Awarded to a continuing student (sophomore, junior, senior) majoring in criminology and criminal Justice and attending the USC Columbia campus. Applicants must have successfully completed at least 30 credit hours at USC, including a minimum of six hours of criminology and criminal justice course work and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Criteria used for selection of the J. P. Strom Non-resident Scholar include academic achievement, leadership, and service. The award of $250 per semester for sophomores and juniors, and $500 per semester for seniors, with a three-year value of $2,000, is renewable for up to three years as long as the student maintains a minimum “B” average. Only non-residents are eligible to apply under current department guidelines. Recipients of this scholarship who qualify under existing university rules will also receive a substantial tuition reduction. 

Award Details

The J. P. Strom Endowment was established in 1979 to honor the former chief of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED). Strom was one of the key supporters of the early development of law enforcement education in South Carolina. He was instrumental in the creation of the SC Criminal Justice Academy and the establishment of the College of Criminal Justice in 1974. This fund is designated in support of the values of innovation, leadership, and professionalism that were strongly associated with Chief Strom.

Scholarships are awarded based on demonstrated achievement, leadership ability, community service and on the strengths and coherence of applicants’ responses to an essay question.

All scholarships are $250 per semester for sophomores and juniors, and $500 per semester for seniors, with a 3-year value of $2,000. The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice will fund no more than four awards (new + continuing) per semester. The award is renewable for up to three years as long as a grade point average of 3.0 is maintained.

Recipients of this scholarship who qualify under existing University rules will also receive a substantial tuition reduction.

  • Applicants must be continuing CRJU majors having successfully completed a minimum of 30 credit hours at USC, including 6 credit hours of Criminology and Criminal Justice course work.

  • Recipients must maintain full-time status (at least 15 credit hours per semester) in the department with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

  • Applicants must have non-resident status in the state of South Carolina.

  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States.

  • Students may NOT receive this scholarship in addition to another tuition reducing scholarship.

  • Essay: Must be word processed following guidelines.

  • Two references: One academic and one service related.

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