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Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice


Undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice have the option to participate in multiple different student organizations, if you meet the necessary qualifications. 

Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma is the national honor society for criminal justice. The society recognizes scholastic excellence by undergraduate and graduate students in the criminal justice sciences. The goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership, and unity. 

  • Recognition of achievement
  • Springboard for professional growth: builds resume and promotes networking, research, collaboration with other APS members, as well as professionals working in the criminal justice field
  • Participation in community and university service projects
  • Membership in APS meets one of the requirements for entrance at the GS-7 level in the US Federal Service
  • Source for job information
  • Invitation to national and regional conferences
  • Opportunities to win scholarships, grants, and awards
  • Membership certificate, lapel pin, honor stole, honor medallion, honor cords, etc.
  • Criminal justice major or minor
  • 3 completed full time semesters
  • 4 completed CJ/Criminology courses
  • Cumulative and criminal justice GPA of a 3.2 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
  • $70 one-time membership fee
  • $5 one-time chapter fee
  • Enrolled in a graduate program in criminal justice
  • 4 courses completed
  • GPA of 3.4 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
  • $70 one-time membership fee
  • $5 one-time chapter fee
  • First academic year of law school completed
  • GPA of 2.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)
  • $70 one-time membership fee
  • $5 one-time chapter fee
  1. Fill out the application form.
  2. Write a check for $75 to Alpha Phi Sigma.
  3. Submit application to Dr. Mancik (206, Currell College), Ms. Armstrong (105, Currell College), or Ms. Shamauri Jenkins (100D, Currell College).
  • President: TBA
  • Vice President: TBA
  • Secretary: TBA
  • Treasurer: TBA

Lambda Alpha Epsilon

The Alpha Sigma Phi Chapter of Lambda Alpha Epsilon, the American Criminal Justice Association.

Graduate Student Association

The Criminology and Criminal Justice Graduate Student Association (CCJGSA) is an organization that is designed to provide assistance, activities, and advocacy for graduate students in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Any graduate student in our department is eligible to join the association. Dues of $10 per member are collected at the beginning of each semester. 


  • Christina Plakas, President
  • Jillian Chamberlin, Vice President
  • Hannah Sedlacek, Treasurer
  • Sohee Jung, Secretary

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.