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Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Two Faculty Awarded ASPIRE-I Research Grants


Assistant Professor Kaitlin Boyle and Associate Professor Christi Metcalfe were recently awarded ASPIRE-I grants through the Office of Research at the University of South Carolina. Through the ASPIRE program, faculty have the opportunity to compete for funding to begin a promising new research endeavor for later external funding, build up a collaborative, interdisciplinary research project and/or invest in the university's research infrastructure.

Dr. Boyle's project is entitled "Gender-Based Mass Violence in the United States," and Dr. Metcalfe's project is entitled, "The Consequences of Expanding Police Presence: An Examination of the Frequency of Engagement with the Police, Perceptions of Legitimacy, and Legal Cynicism."

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Boyle and Dr. Metcalfe!

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