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Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Dr. Stevens Andersen is Recognized for her Leadership and Service


Dr. Tia Stevens Andersen was recently given two awards in recognition of her achievements at the University of South Carolina. She was selected by the Awards Committee in the University of South Carolina's Office of the Dean of Students to receive a 2019 Creed Champion Award. This award recognizes her significant and extraordinary contributions to the Carolina community while embodying the values espoused in the Carolinian Creed.

Dr. Stevens Andersen also received a Two Thumbs Up award. Two Thumbs Up awards were created to recognize faculty and staff members across campus who have made a significant difference in a student's experience at the University of South Carolina. The recipients of these awards are nominated by students who are registered with the Student Disability Resource Center.

Join us in congratulating Dr. Stevens Andersen on these awards and her contributions to the Carolina community!

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