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Baruch Institute

Faculty and Staff

Robert Dunn

Title: Research Assistant Professor
Research Coordinator at the North Inlet - Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences
Phone: 843-904-9026
Office: Baruch Marine Field Lab 206
Lab: Baruch Marine Field Lab 121
Robert Dunn
PhD, Ecology, Joint Doctoral Program at the University of California, Davis and San Diego State University 2019
MS, Marine Science, North Carolina State University 2013
BA, Environmental Studies & Romance Languages, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 2009
Marine Ecology, Fisheries & Conservation Ecology, Mathematical Modeling
I am an ecologist interested in coastal and marine ecosystems. My research applies ecological principles to questions with conservation, management and restoration applications. 

In addition to my appointment as a Research Assistant Professor within the Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, I co-advise graduate students through U of SC's School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment. I am also the Research Coordinator at the North Inlet - Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Georgetown, South Carolina. I'm responsible for facilitating research within the Reserve, helping run the System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP), and developing my own research group. If you're interested in collaborating, have questions about North Inlet, or want to visit the Reserve for field work, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Bashevkin, Dibble, Dunn, Hollarsmith, Ng, Satterthwaite, Morgan. 2020. Larval dispersal in a changing ocean with an emphasis on upwelling regions. Ecosphere 11(1): e03015. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3015

Dunn & Hovel. 2020. Predator type influences the frequency of functional responses to prey in marine habitats. Biology Letters 16(2): 20190758. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2019.0758

Dunn & Hovel. 2019. Experiments reveal limited top-down control of key herbivores in southern California kelp forests. Ecology 100(3): e02625. DOI: 10. 1002/ecy.2625

Dunn, Altieri, Miller, Yeager, Hovel. 2018. Contrasting behavioral responses to predatory risk cues reflect different foraging strategies in two Caribbean sea urchins.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 604: 187-198. DOI: 10.3354/meps12733

Dunn, Altieri, Miller, Yeager, Hovel. 2017. Coral identity and structural complexity drive habitat associations and demographic processes for an increasingly important Caribbean herbivore.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 577:33-47. DOI: 10.3354/meps12230

Dunn, Baskett, Hovel. 2017. Interactive effects of predator and prey harvest on ecological resilience of rocky reefs. Ecological Applications 27(6):1718-1730. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1581

*Dunn. 2016. Tool use by a temperate wrasse, California sheephead Semicossyphus pulcher.
Journal of Fish Biology 88(2): 805-810. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.12856  *Featured on BBC Earth Blue Planet II: These are the world’s smartest fish
Dunn, Eggleston, Lindquist. 2014. Oyster-sponge interactions and bioerosion of reef-building substrate materials: implications for oyster restoration. Journal of Shellfish Research 33(3): 727-738. DOI: 10.2983/035.033.0307

Dunn, Eggleston, Lindquist. 2014. Effects of substrate type on demographic rates of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Journal of Shellfish Research 33(1): 177-185. DOI: 10.2983/035.033.0117

Roosenburg, Spontak, Sullivan, Matthews, Heckman, Trimbath, Dunn, Dustman, Smith, and Graham. 2014. Nesting habitat creation enhances recruitment in a predator-free environment: Malaclemys nesting at the Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project. Restoration Ecology 22(6):815-823. DOI: 10.1111/rec.12147

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