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My USC Union

Human Resources

The Division of Human Resources supports the college and departments of the university by providing reliable services and solutions. Learn more about upcoming HR-related training dates, deadlines, and policy updates. Please inquire about jobs on our campus!

Holiday Schedule

The University of South Carolina observes the same number of holidays as other state agencies even though the days on which the holidays are observed may differ because of the academic schedule. When a university holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday the holiday will be observed on the preceding Friday, or the following Monday. 

Pay Dates

Find out when your paycheck is scheduled to be issued and which dates are included in each pay period. You may visit the University of South Carolina's online service, VIP, for more detailed information on pay stubs.

New Employee Guide

This webpage houses vital information and resources necessary for a new employee to successfully join the UofSC family.

Onboarding Tips and Guides

You will find all available job aides and guides broken down by user type (employee, supervisor/manager, and HR Contact).

Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement

In addition to the training and professional development opportunities offered through Human Resources, faculty and staff have the privilege of becoming university students!

Employee Benefits

Check out the SC Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA) programs and benefits for your health perks and the many benefits! MyBenefits is the fastest, most convenient way for subscribers covered by PEBA Insurance Benefits to manage their benefits.

Employee Assistance Program

The EAP has lots of ways for you to learn more about living a healthy life style.

TAO: Self-Enroll Self-Help

Want to have access to ONLY the practice tools and modules? Completely self-directed with no contact from a mental health professional, TAO: Self-Enroll Self-Help is available. Learn how to manage stress, practice mindfulness, engage in mental wellness and more by utilizing TAO Self-Enroll Self-Help.

See a doctor in only a few clicks!

State Health Plan members now have the ability to talk with doctors from their computer or smartphone. Sign-up today for Blue CareonDemand and skip the waiting room with a video visit.