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  • Group of student cadets dressed for a run


Take your first steps in a career with the Air Force by joining AFROTC Detachment 775 at the University of South Carolina




High School and College students are both eligible to apply for scholarships through Air Force ROTC. High School students generally compete for 3 or 4-year scholarships while college students are usually only eligible for 2 or 3-year scholarships. AFROTC is normally a 4-year program, but in some cases, the program can be completed in 3 years.  At a minimum, a student must have 6 semesters remaining in their academic program to join AFROTC. For more information, please contact our office at


Program Requirements

  • All cadets must be enrolled as a full-time student at the main USC campus, satellite USC campus, or approved crosstown school (Claflin University, Benedict College, Columbia College, and South Carolina State University). 
  • To remain in the program, cadets must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (GPA). However, cadets on scholarship must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to retain the scholarship.  
  • We strive to push our cadets to achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher. Due to our efforts, Detachment 775 has consecutively ranked #1 in GPA for the AFROTC Southeast Region. A higher GPA will make you more competitive for scholarships, professional development opportunities, Field Training selection, and eventually jobs in the Air and Space Forces.  
  • All cadets must be physically prepared for the rigors of Air Force ROTC and their careers in the military. As a result, all cadets must undergo a medical examination by a military doctor or designated civilian contractor. The medical examination will be scheduled and reviewed by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
  • Students competing for the High School Scholarship Program will be automatically forwarded from DoDMERB to the Air Education and Training Commander Surgeon General for consideration.
  • Non-High School Scholarship cadets will begin the medical examination process once enrolled in the AFROTC program at USC. Cadre will initiate this process for you.
  • Each semester cadets will perform the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment, which includes a 1.5-mile run, pushups, sit-ups, and a waist measurement.  
  • Non-scholarship and non-contracted cadets can initially participate in the program if physical fitness standards are not met. However, cadets must meet physical fitness standards to be competed and selected for scholarships. Additionally, physical fitness standards must be met before cadets are selected for Field Training, which occurs the summer before your junior year. It is imperative that cadets take physical fitness seriously. At a minimum, cadets will attend two mandatory Physical Training (PT) sessions per week 
  • Scholarship and contracted cadets must meet Air Force ROTC weight and fitness standards each semester. Failure to meet standards may result in loss of scholarship and/or elimination from the program.  


Frequently Asked Questions

Cadets will not be required to deploy during their time in the USC Air Force ROTC program. However, after graduation and commissioning into the Air Force that is a possibility.

Cadets are not required to sign a contract until returning from Field Training, unless they accept a scholarship prior to attending Field Training.

Yes, cadets are required to complete all necessary documentation prior to being issued military uniforms. 


More Information



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