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    Air Force

    The motto of AFROTC Detachment 775 is Higher, Faster, Farther. We live this pursuit of excellence each day across academic, physical, and military training. Our detachment has been named Best Detachment in AFROTC twice since 2015.

    Integrity First

    The most important skills our students learn is how to lead others with respect and to make decisions under pressure. As each cadet transitions through the years from freshman to senior, they undergo a transformative experience where they are continually tested and provided honest feedback. This forms a commitment to the Air Force core values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do, which should serve as a life-long source of professional success and strong personal relationships.

    Service Before Self

    While in the AFROTC, students dedicate anywhere from 6-10 hours per week to Detachment 775 in the classroom, physical training or in our leadership laboratory. As cadets progress through the program, they take on more leadership and mentoring responsibilities, preparing them for life after the University of South Carolina. Our alumni continue this dedication to service and leadership. Our cadets are regularly placed in highly desirable career fields, with an eye for what matches their professional goals and personal leadership style.

    Excellence In All We Do

    Our cadets know that academics must be their first priority while at the University of South Carolina. Our commitment to academic success has earned Detachment 775 high rankings. Each student meets with an Aerospace Studies professor throughout each semester to assess progress in both AFROTC and in students’ chosen major. Studies show that physical activity increases academic performance. Because each of our cadets is required to participate in a rigorous physical training program, their studies benefit.


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    Current as of February 2025


      Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
