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August Orientation

If you are an incoming fall freshman or transfer student who is unable to attend a New Student Orientation session during the months of May, June and July, we offer a select number of one-day sessions in August. Read below for more information on dates, cost, what to expect and more.

Check back for New Student Orientation updates!

Registration for 2025 New Student Orientation will open at a later date. All information is subject to change based on programming assessment and logistics.


August Orientation Overview

If you are beginning classes in the fall and are unable to attend New Student Orientation in May, June or July, you are required to attend a session in August. These are in-person, one-day sessions during which you will need to be available beginning from 7:15 a.m. – 5 p.m. During your session you will hear from university faculty and staff, meet with an Orientation Leader and peers, attend an academic college visit, learn about university resources and take care of several campus business items. In addition, this is when you will meet with an advisor and get registered for fall courses. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided during your session. Students must participate in all components of their Orientation session in order to successfully complete advising and registration. 

Attendance is mandatory for the entire New Student Orientation program. You must attend all components of your Orientation to be advised and register for classes.

If for any reason (e.g., flight delays, traffic, weather, etc.) you are late to your session and arrive past 8:30 a.m., you will need to contact the Office of New Student Orientation to reschedule. 

 We cannot guarantee any schedule adjustments, even for travel-related plans. It is essential that you are available for the entirety of the Orientation program. 

While attending New Student Orientation, you will:

  • Connect with South Carolina faculty and staff and get to know some of your peers. 
  • Learn about living at the University of South Carolina. 
  • Get acquainted with our campus policies and procedures. 
  • Receive a list of resources to help you succeed during your first semester and beyond. 
  • Learn about your academic program’s curriculum and degree requirements.
  • Attend an academic advising appointment and register for classes. 

In order to have a successful advising and registration process during New Student Orientation, it is important that you complete the following tasks at least two weeks before your session:

  1. Complete all items in your Admissions portal: Your Admissions Portal contains information that must be completed before you attend your New Student Orientation and enroll for classes at South Carolina. It is essential you complete all items in the Admissions Portal. 
  2. Submit your Citizenship Verification: Log on to your UofSC Admissions Portal to check if your status was previously verified based on information provided on your FAFSA. If you have not submitted a FAFSA, you will be required to complete the Citizenship Verification Form. If your citizenship has not been verified, complete the Citizenship Verification FormVisit for more information on the residency certification process. 
  3.  Submit your Residency Verification (for SC Residents only): Students claiming South Carolina residency for tuition purposes are required to verify residency. Log on to your UofSC Admissions Portal to check if your South Carolina residency has been verified. We will use the information provided on your FAFSA to determine whether you need to complete the South Carolina Residency Certification Form. If you have not submitted a FAFSA, you will be required to complete the form. If your residency has not been verified, complete the S.C. Residency Certification Form through your portal. Visit for more information on the residency certification process. 
  4. Submit your Immunization Form: Submit your completed Immunization Record Form no later than two weeks prior to your New Student Orientation. Upload your records to portal under "Immunizations." Login with your network username and password and your birth date. Forms may also be faxed to 803-777-3955/ 803-777-3960 or mailed to the Allergy, Immunization & Travel Clinic, 1409 Devine Street, Columbia, SC 29208. 
  5. Confirm your Major: If you are considering a major change prior to attending Orientation, make a “New Student Major Change Interest” appointment to speak with an Exploratory Advisor in the University Advising Center. Your Exploratory Advisor will make sure you have all of the correct information. Make an appointment by visiting You may also contact the University Advising Center at 803-777-1222 or It is critical that you attend Orientation with the correct major. If you plan on changing your major, please do so at least a week before your session. 
  6. Register for and Complete for your Math Placement Exam: All students are required to take the online Math Placement Test no later than two weeks before your New Student Orientation. You will record your test score on your Pre-Orientation Advising Worksheet. For more information including practice tests and instructions for completing the test online, visit 
  7. Register for and Complete your Foreign Language Placement Exam: Every student at South Carolina is required to take the Foreign Language Placement Exam before taking a foreign language course to determine whether they meet course prerequisites. It is only highly recommended for students to take the Foreign Language Placement Exam prior to attending New Student Orientation. For further information, please visit the Language Placement Testing Website.
  8. Have copies of your Unofficial Transcripts and any AP/IB Score Reports: Have copies of your AP/IB/Cambridge (AICE) scores and dual enrollment transcripts available during your New Student Orientation. If your scores do not arrive before your scheduled advising session, make a list of the test(s) you have taken and share this with your advisor. If official transcripts are not available, you may use an unofficial transcript during your session. Your advisor may also ask you to email copies of these documents prior to your meeting. 
  9. Complete your Pre-Orientation Advising Modules and Worksheet: You will access and view your Pre-Orientation Advising Modules in your Orientation Portal after registration. Please complete all modules, as well as your Pre-Orientation Advising Worksheet in order to prepare for your advising and registration appointment during New Student Orientation. 

Participation in our programs involves frequent migrations to and from various campus buildings. If you or your family member/supporter have mobility restrictions at the time of your session, please be sure to indicate this in your Orientation Portal under the ‘Special Accommodations’ section. Golf carts will be made available for those needing assistance. 

Additionally, please make note of any other special accommodation related to sight, hearing, dietary restrictions, etc. in your Orientation Portal so that our staff can plan for your arrival accordingly.  

We recommend having your Orientation Portal updated with any special accommodation no later than a week prior to your session. Otherwise, feel free to contact the Office of New Student Orientation for any updates or changes. 

Specialized Academic Programs

Our team offers a variety of Orientation programs for specialized academic programs at the university. Find your program below to determine if there is anything you need to prepare for prior to your session.

Staff members from Gamecock Athletics will be availble to meet with student-athletes and their families.


Dates and Fees

August Orientation is a one-day program. Students should plan to be available from 7:15 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Check your Orientation Portal for availability!

Students: $130 per student 

Guests: $50 per family member/supporter. Click here to learn more about the Family and Supporter Orientation program. 

The New Student Orientation registration fee covers all supplies and resources used during your session. It also covers your meals, parking, facility rentals, equipment, printing and staff salaries. 

Changing or Cancelling Your Session

Sessions remain open until filled. If the session does not fill, it will close two business days prior to its start. You are able to change your New Student Orientation reservation at anytime, as long as the new desired date is still open. If you need to cancel your reservation, you will need to do so at least two weeks prior to your session in order to request a refund. To request a refund, please email our office at In your email, please include the following student information:

  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Contact information
  • Reason for refund

There is a $35 administration fee associated with all refunds. You will receive an email confirmation upon your request being approved.

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