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National Laboratories Office

  • A student and two professionals sitting at a conference table around a computer

Federal & Industry Partnerships

We partner with national labs, government offices and companies of size and scale that are looking to build a pipeline of talent from our student workforce.

Our Esteemed Partners

The National Laboratories Office values each of its partners and the work they do on a the national, federal and industrial level.


National Partners

Savannah River National Laboratory

The Savannah River National Laboratory and the USC system have conducted a host of joint research projects funded by the laboratory and the Department of Energy. Research projects span the breadth of USC Columbia’s College of Engineering and Computing and College of Arts and Sciences, as well as USC Aiken’s campus.

DOE National Laboratories System

Our close collaboration with the Department of Energy's National Laboratories System has covered subjects such as advanced catalysis for upcycling plastic waste, molten salt technology for advanced nuclear reactor designs, new crystalline materials for immobilizing nuclear waste, machine learning for designing and evaluating advanced energy materials and advanced sensors for monitoring nuclear storage sites and nuclear non-proliferation.

National Security & Defense

The National Laboratories Office is proud to aid in American national security and defense efforts. We have been involved in several defense projects, including a Navy grid program and hypersonics program.

Battelle Savannah River Alliance 

The University of South Carolina system is a member of the Battelle Savannah River Alliance that manages and operates the Savannah River National Laboratory. 


Federal Partners

  • Office of Naval Research
  • Army Corps of Engineers
  • NASA
  • Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS)
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  • RAPID Manufacturing Institute
  • DOE Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Decarbonization


Industry Partners

  • IBM
  • Siemens
  • Fraunhofer Institutes SC
  • GE
  • Boeing


Ways to Collaborate

We help government offices, national labs and STEM companies build a pipeline of talent from our student workforce. We focus on the following areas: 

  • Workforce Development
  • Federal Grants
  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 
  • Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
  • Intellectual Property


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
