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Center for Teaching Excellence

  • College Professor

Teaching Resources

CTE's Teaching Resources provide valuable tools to help with preparation, teaching, and course assessment. Have a resource to share? We are constantly striving to improve our Teaching Resources. If you have a favorite resource that is not listed here, please share the resource with the CTE at



Accessibility becomes more important every year as institutions of higher education extend their reach and course offerings to a variety of students near and far.

Active Learning

Active Learning

Active learning is a student-centered approach in which an instructor uses instructional strategies that engage students as active participants throughout the learning process. 

Adapting Courses for Changing Academic Needs

Adapting Courses for Changing Academic Needs

There are multiple ways to adapt classes to provide safety and social distancing. All course delivery models will differ in effectiveness, feasibility, and implementation options depending on the type of course and pedagogy style being used. 

Large Undergraduate Classes

Adapting Large Undergraduate Courses

There are multiple ways to adapt large enrollment classes to provide safety and social distancing. Units are encouraged to be creative and flexible in course design and delivery modality, not only for a pivot if one is needed, but also for students who may not be able to attend due to health or domestic situations, or faculty who have to self-isolate or quarantine for a time. 

Course Design

Course Design, Development and Delivery

Course Development is the design of a new course or revision of an existing course. 

Final Exam FAQs

Final Exam FAQs

Questions about the scheduling and administration of final examinations often emerge in interpreting the guidelines that appear in the USC faculty manual.  This resource clarifies ambiguities or uncertainties that may arise. 


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)

Learn about Generative AI and its implications for teaching and learning. 

Grading and Assessment Toolbox

Grading and Assessment Toolbox

Grading is a process, beyond assigning a number or letter grade. This resource provides instructors with guidance and suggestions on how to make your grading both more effective and efficient, use of rubrics, online grading issues, and other topics relevant to grading student work.

Work Life Balance

Maintaining Balance

Faculty often face challenges balancing teaching and research and achieving a healthy equilibrium between their professional and personal lives. 

Online Teaching Faculty Toolbox

Online Teaching Faculty Toolbox

As you prepare your online course, you have a wide variety of resources available to help you plan, build, and deliver your course.  The Toolbox is broken into seven sections with links to tips, best practices, strategies, support, and resources that will help you deliver an effective online experience to your students.

Peer Observation

Peer Observation

Teaching is not a “one-size-fits-all” activity, and thus the peer observation and feedback process must accommodate such variability to be most useful to departments and colleges.  


Syllabus Templates

Our syllabus templates make your work easier! Templates are ADA accessible and include sample statements.

Higher Education Technology


Technology can be used creatively and effectively in the teaching and learning process. 

Virtual Environments

Virtual Environments

The cutting-edge technology of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and 360o videos are rapidly transforming the educational system while providing students with invaluable tools to help better prepare them for their future careers.




Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
