Conference or Boardroom
A conference set-up is ideal for board, strategic or brainstorming meetings with 10-15 attendees. The set-up provides plenty of workspace for each attendee.
Meeting spaces should be the right size, in a preferred location, and within budget. When you can closely align the setting to the program objectives, you'll enhance the guest experience in a very profound way.
A space must suit both program and guest needs. Along with ADA compliance and transportation accessibility, there are many other considerations. Will guests have room to work? Does the setting fit your conference or event?
Based on your program needs and agenda, our planners can ensure the right mix of rooms
is available. We carefully evaluate a space's layout, speaker views, obstructions,
and anticipate any bottlenecks that could arise. We’ll also gauge the helpfulness
of venue staff and consider contacting references.
We'll work with you to determine the set-up that'll work best for your program. Standard set-ups include:
A conference set-up is ideal for board, strategic or brainstorming meetings with 10-15 attendees. The set-up provides plenty of workspace for each attendee.
A U-shape arrangement is well-suited for small-to-medium groups of 20-25 participants. It's a popular choice for training or instructional sessions, speaker presentations or discussions.
A hollow square sparks interaction and seats more people than a U-shape. If you plan to use a projector or flipcharts, however, some attendees will have their backs to the presentation.
Classroom set-ups are good for speaker-led lectures or training. The rows provide tables for participants to take notes, refer to materials, or work on a computer.
This set-up mimics a theatre with rows of chairs facing the front of the room with aisles. It's ideal for larger groups with short sessions (usually two hours or less) where writing is expected to be limited.
A banquet set-up is well suited for an event featuring a meal or small discussion groups. Based on the size of the round tables, you can seat up to 10 guests at each table.
Round tables without chairs on the side closest to the speaker, provides a clear view of the front of the room. Audience members can easily see the presenter, AV or work in small groups. Tables usually seat only 5 - 6 guests per table.
Our planning professionals have the expertise to greatly simplify event planning and even save you money. How can we help you?