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Board of Trustees

  • Thad Westbrook

Annual Board Report

2024 Report from the Board Chair

February 5, 2025

To Members of the University of South Carolina Community:

The 2024 calendar year was literally monumental for the University of South Carolina (“USC”) Board of Trustees, the USC System, and the USC flagship campus in Columbia. This report highlights many accomplishments that spanned the USC System and the state, noting important actions recorded by the Board to further USC’s mission and to better the lives of all South Carolinians.

On April 19, USC commemorated the desegregation of the flagship campus by unveiling a monument that portrays the three Black students who integrated the student body when they enrolled at the University on September 11, 1963. Commissioned by the Board of Trustees in 2022, the monument depicts Robert G. Anderson, Henrie Monteith Treadwell, and James L. Solomon Jr. in bronze atop a base of black granite. Treadwell, Solomon, and their respective families attended the ceremonial unveiling. Anderson, who died in 2009, was represented at the ceremony by his sister and extended family.

The monument stands to the side of the grand steps leading up to McKissick Museum, at the perimeter of the historic Horseshoe. Students, faculty, and staff now observe the monument every day, and the monument is seen also by the 38,000+ annual visitors to the University who begin their tours of USC in front of McKissick.

Now that the Board’s vision for this monument is complete, Trustees look forward to a future in which generations of Gamecocks and visitors will pause before the figures of Anderson, Treadwell, and Solomon to contemplate the role that those determined students played in ensuring a better future for USC and its students.

Sadly, the Board placed flowers at the feet of the figure of Solomon at the monument on November 30, to memorialize his death on the previous day. Trustees and the entire USC community gave thanks for Solomon’s lifetime of service to the State of South Carolina. An Air Force veteran, Solomon held multiple state offices after studying at USC, serving the State Commission on Higher Education, the Department of Social Services, the Richland One School Board, and the Sumter District 17 School Board. He was awarded the Order of the Palmetto for his government service, and he was named an Honorary Life Member of the USC Alumni Association.

Trustees and the USC community were thankful for much more in 2024, including record enrollment, a new name for the College of Engineering and Computing, a new facilities master plan, a new Athletics Director, a record fiscal year for both sponsored research and fundraising, another national championship for women’s basketball, and many other innovations at USC Columbia and across the USC System:

These accomplishments for 2024 signal promising momentum for 2025; and—as of this writing—the 2025 calendar year is off to a fantastic start: Results of a new economic impact study demonstrate that the USC System contributes $7.4B annually to the South Carolina economy.  The Board of Trustees approved a contract extension for Coach Dawn Staley, making her the highest-paid coach in women’s basketball in the nation. A few days later, the Board approved a contract extension for head football coach Shane Beamer.

As the USC Board of Trustees continues its service to the University and to the State of South Carolina in 2025, the USC System’s academic excellence will further propel economic prosperity and lives of fulfillment.

Forever To Thee, 

Thad Westbrook signature

Thad H. Westbrook, Board Chair

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.