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Institute for Rural Education and Development

Goals and Progress

The institute has devised overarching objectives and year-by-year goals to guide and measure the progress of its research projects and overall vision.

The Institute's Research Goals

Research Terminology:
Integrate key findings from multiple disciplines into a comprehensive, holistic model of STEM education and development for rural children and adolescents from PK to middle school years

Research Terminology:
Undertake and promote innovative and impactful interdisciplinary research on our holistic model of rural STEM education and development for youth across our state and nation

Research Terminology: 
Make this institute highly competitive for the Institute of Education Sciences National Research Center on Rural Education

Research Terminology: 
Increase this institute's competitiveness for large center grant mechanisms of other federal agencies

Year-by-Year Goals

The Institute for Rural Education and Development has outlined the following yearly research goals and timeline predictions against which to measure progress and outcomes of the work.

Core 1: Preschool
The Core 1 team will develop lesson plans and implementation materials integrating locomotor skills (e.g., skip, jump) with coding activities. The team will work with kids in 4k at Bright Horizons to iteratively develop the lesson plans.

Core 2: Elementary School
The Core 2 team will examine current practices in selected rural South Carolina districts. Archival data from the South Carolina Department of Education will be examined and interviews/discussions with partner districts will be conducted to identify current MTSS practices, and to identify barriers, supports and needs.

Core 3: Middle School and High School
The Core 3 team  will use statewide data to identify prominent health issues in selected rural South Carolina districts and an initial set of related classroom PBL units along with VR content and career experiences that connect to those health issues. We will also develop educator training materials and procedures for using these tools and obtain feedback on the usability of these from pre-service and in-service teachers.

Core 1: Preschool
The Core 1 team will pilot the lesson plans and training material developed in year one with our partner rural schools in Fairfield and Lexington 4 school districts. Feedback from teachers and children will further refine the lesson plans and implementation plans. We will explore the effects of the lesson plans on computational thinking, motor skills and executive function.

Core 2: Elementary School
The Core 2 team will create a dual-factor model for SEB risk identification in elementary schools to assess strengths (e.g., resiliency, life satisfaction) as well as risks (depression, conduct problems, hyperactivity.)  Strength factors can act as a buffer, lessening the effects of risk.  Measuring both factors may provide a more holistic view of rural students' mental health. The screener will be developed using information and feedback from teachers and schools. 

Core 3: Middle School and High School
The Core 3 team will develop and refine additional PBL units and VR experiences aligned to local rural community health issues and pilot test them in rural classrooms. We will collect information on the usability of all materials and examine how effective they are at improving rural students’ deeper learning (critical thinking, creativity, innovation), 21st century workforce skills (creativity, collaboration, cooperation) and STEM career aspirations and motivation.

Core 1: Preschool
The Core 1 team will develop lesson plans and implementation materials integrating object-control skills (e.g., throw, dribble) with coding activities. The team will work with kids in 4k at Bright Horizons to iteratively develop the lesson plans.

Core 2: Elementary School
To provide assistance for children identified with elevated risk, the Core 2 team will provide intervention support for teachers and schools. The team will develop and pilot activities, which provided targeted MTSS support for students in a "whole class" environment.

Core 3: Middle and High School
The Core 3 team will continue to develop and refine additional PBL units and VR experiences aligned to local rural community health issues and pilot test them in rural classrooms. We will continue to collect information on the usability of all materials and examine how effective they are at improving rural students’ deeper learning (critical thinking, creativity, innovation), 21st century workforce skills (creativity, collaboration, cooperation) and STEM career aspirations and motivation.

Core 1: Preschool
The Core 1 team will pilot the lesson plans and training material developed in year three with our partner rural schools in Fairfield and Lexington 4 school districts. Feedback from teachers and children will further refine the lesson plans and implementation plans. We will explore the effects of the lesson plans on computational thinking, motor skills, and executive function. By the end of this year, the Core 1 team will have an 8-week curriculum that effectively integrates motor skills and coding.

Core 2: Elementary School
The Core 2 team will collect pilot data for the dual-factor screener and accompanying intervention to provide initial evidence that the materials perform as intended.

Core 3: Middle School and High School
The Core 3 team will undertake a robust test of final set of PBL units, VR experiences and training materials and procedures to provide stronger evidence of effectiveness.

Institute for Rural Education and Development

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.