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Department of African American Studies

Upcoming Events

Sept. 19 -- Robert Smalls Lecture Series, Prof. Tammy Kernodle, 6:30 p.m., Hollings Library Program Room.

Sept. 26 -- Freeman Lecture, 4:30 p.m., USC School of Law, Dr. Valerie Smith, President of Swarthmore College (Co-sponsor with Women's & Gender Studies)

Oct. 5 -- Free Screening "Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am." 12:30 p.m., The Nickelodeon Theatre, 1607 Main St.

Oct. 16 -- Institute for African American Research Lecture, Raymond Santana, Central Park Five, location TBD

Oct. 17 -- Dr. Stefan Bradley, Loyola Marymount University, author, "Upending the Ivory Tower," 6 p.m., Sloan 112  (Co-sponsor with Education; pictured right)

Oct. 18-20 -- Performance: "Harlem South: A View Through the Lens," 6:30 p.m., Columbia Museum of Art

Oct. 25 -- Dr. Ali Sewell, Emory University, "The Consequences of Police Use of Force," 12 p.m., location TBD (Co-sponsor with Sociology)

Oct. 29 -- Fall Festival of Writers, Joyce Hansen, young adult author, 6 p.m, Hollings Library Program Room

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