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Department of African American Studies

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Andrew Billingsley Faculty Award

Andrew Billingsley Faculty Award

Congratulations to Gloria Boutte named 2018 Andrew Billingsley Faculty Award winner.

Boutte is a professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education in the College of Education at the University of South Carolina.

For more than three decades, Boutte’s scholarship, teaching and service have focused on equity pedagogies and teaching for social justice. Additionally, she has served as department chair, and held a distinguished endowed chair for four years.

Prof. Boutte is the author and editor of numerous publications and four books, including the soon to be released African Diaspora Literacy: The Heart of Transformation in K-12 Schools and Teacher Education.

Boutte is the founder of the Center of Excellence for the Education and Equity of African American Students (CEEEAAS). She has presented her work internationally, including in Europe, Africa, China, Australia, the Caribbean, Mexico, New Zealand and Canada.

She has served as a Fulbright Scholar and visiting scholar at several universities in the U.S. and abroad. Additionally, she has presented nationally and internationally on curriculum, instruction and diversity issues.  

Boutte was nominated for the Faculty Award by her colleague Prof. Susi Long.

“I do not know a scholar with a more united and purposefully-grounded body of work than Dr. Boutte. Her commitment, knowledge, productivity and impact on research, securing of external funding, and teaching, are clear not only in her own scholarly history, but in the tremendous impact she has on the work of other scholars and in the lives of teachers,” Long said.

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