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Student Health and Well-Being

Report a Concern

Anyone in the Carolina community who feels a student is a risk to themselves or the community can report a concern; including students, parents, faculty and staff, and other community members.

You Can Help

The university has caring professionals dedicated to student success and well-being. You can help by identifying concerns, addressing those concerns with the student and referring them to campus and community resources.


Take Action For: 

Students in Distress

If you have witnessed self-injurious behavior like a student talking about suicide, or seen concerning behavior like emotional distress or overwhelming grief, refer them to the Student Care and Outreach Team.

Student Substance Abuse

Are you concerned about a USC student’s substance use? The Students Taking Initiative & Responsibility (STIR) program empowers students to examine the powerful influence substances can have on their lives in a safe space.

Student-on-Student Interpersonal Violence

Reporting interpersonal violence (sexual assault, dating or relationship violence or stalking) can help ensure that the survivor gets the help they need, the perpetrator is held accountable and the community is made safer.

Faculty-on-Student or Staff-on-Student Incidents

If you or someone you know has been the victim of discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct at the University of South Carolina, you can report it to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX.


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.