- Add patient and community stakeholder perspective to meaningful research.
- Strengthen the quality and relevance of our research to improve the quality of life in communities.
- Include patients as patient “scientists”.
Research Benefits
- Establishing credibility.
- Anticipating controversy.
- Ensuring transparency and accountability.
- Improving relevance.
- Enhancing quality.
- Increasing dissemination and uptake of findings.
Expectations for Researchers
Using the provided template, researchers must submit a short PowerPoint presentation to the PES coordinator two weeks prior to scheduled presentation. The following will be considered as PES staff reviews the presentation:
- Using language that patients can understand.
- Including three to four specific questions for patient experts on the second-to-last slide.
- Including all researchers involved with the study, their degrees, their institutions and their departments on the last slide.
- Attendance at scheduled session presenting no more than 30 minutes — most of the session involves patient feedback and discussion.
- Willingness to receive feedback and suggestions from the patient experts, but not all suggestions need to be incorporated into projects.
- Inclusion of PES funding in preparation of external grants that will continue use of patient studios.
- Consideration of ongoing studio use throughout your project and in disseminating results.
Researcher Expectations from the Studio
- Feedback on initial PowerPoint prior to presentation.
- Limited interruptions during studio presentations except for clarification questions.
- Expression of honest and transparent patient and other PES member opinions about the study at hand.
- Receipt of written report, based off the PCORI rubric, within three weeks of the presentation or session notes.