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Darla Moore School of Business

Presentations, Reports and Research

The Risk and Uncertainty Management Center supports research across a variety of disciplines and facilitates interaction between businesses, faculty and students on current risk management issues in the industry. Our world-class faculty are often asked to report on the latest research, trends and challenges to industry professionals, the media, and other organizations. We are making select presentations available to you. For more information on specific topics contact



Property/Casualty Insurance Industry Outlook: A Claims Focus

2017’s record catastrophe losses was just one of many factors contributing to the recent sharp spike in claims in the property/casualty insurance industry. The claims environment in personal and commercial auto remains challenging as does the tort environment. This presentation provides a summary of current insurance industry financial performance with a focus on the underlying claim cost drivers across personal and key commercial lines segments.


Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in the Personal Auto Insurance Industry

The world of auto insurance is changing rapidly and faces many challenges — autonomous vehicles, distracted driving and sharply higher claims are just a few of today’s challenges. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of this vital segment of the insurance industry, which accounts for more the one-third of P/C insurance industry premium volume.

Challenge, Change

Challenge, Change and Opportunity

Coming off record catastrophic losses in 2017 totaling some $72 billion, 2018 will be the year in which the resilience of the property/casualty insurance industry is on full display. Insurers across the United States and indeed the world (with $135 billion in insured losses globally in 2017) absorbed the losses and emerged prepared to seize upon growth opportunities driven by resurgent economic growth and emergent risks. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview and outlook for the year ahead as well as insights into the impacts of various Trump Administration policies, including recent tax reform legislation.


Workers Compensation in the Age of Trump

This presentation provides a comprehensive overview and outlook for the workers compensation line of insurance and includes a special focus on how the economic and regulatory policies of the Trump Administration could affect the property-casualty insurance industry.


Overview and Outlook for the Property Casualty Insurance Industry

The $500 billion US property-casualty insurance industry is both large and dynamic. This presentation illustrates the current insurance market, economic, regulatory and financial market challenges and opportunities facing the industry today.


Future Shock: What’s Ahead for the US Economy and the Insurance Industry

The insurance industry may be centuries  old, but it remains nimble, innovative and adaptable. This presentation focuses on the changes that lie ahead for insurers and what they need to do to rise to the challenges they will face.


Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a proven killer, accounting for approximately 10% of motor vehicle deaths in the US today. This presentation reviews recent trends in auto claim frequencies and severities and isolates some of the drivers of recent adverse claim trends, including distracted driving.  

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
