President-Elect - Scott Kaplan
College of HRSM
The AEC is led by a team of volunteer officers who plan and organize activities. If you'd like to get involved or have questions, contact us or our AEC officers.
2022 AEC Officers
College of HRSM
College of HRSM
Honors College
College of HRSM
Division of Information Technology
George Pedraza 2019-2022
Tsuneko Terry, 2018-2019
Art Farlowe, 2017-2018
Emily Davis, 2015-2017
Lauren Welch, 2014-2015
Joe Fortune, 2013-2014
Art Farlowe, 2012-2013
Mary Androne, 2011-2012
Tracy Salley, 2010-2011
Mickey Ghosheh, 2009-2010
Becky Greer, 2008-2009
Venessa Samuel, 2007-2008
Steve Adams, 2006-07
Stephanie Lockhart, 2005-06
Bob Holdeman, 2004-05
Darryl Davis, 2003-04
Jim Twitty, 2002-03
Pat Lardner, 2001-02
Janet Stokes, 2000-01
Carolyn Champion, 1999-00
Scott Champion, 1998-99
Bob Harman, 1997-98
Pam Cope, 1996-97
Melanie Glenn, 1995-96
Bill Baker, 1994-95
Tim Rast, 1993-94
John Cullum, 1992-93
Ann Menger Liles, 1991-92
Jeff Cargile, 1990-91
Fred Goebeler, 1989-90
Linda Griffith, 1988-89
Bob Perrin, 1987-88
Ken Corbett, 1986-87
Bob McNaughton, 1985-86
E. J. Newby, 1984-85
Chuck O'Shields, 1984-85 (resigned)
Barbara Clark, 1983-84
Eric Stein, 1982-83
Furman Edmonds, 1981-82
Larry Derrick, 1980-81
Ginger Josey Reed, 1979-80
Luke Gunter, 1978-79
Joe Jones, 1977-78
Dick Ferriter, 1976-77
Bob Dalrymple, 1975-76
Bill Carter, 1974-75
Art West, 1973-74
Frances Blanton, 1972-73
Bill Rorie, 1971-72
John Wood, 1970-71
Thomas B. Farris, 1969-70
William T. Graham, 1968-69
James P. Cooper, 1967-68
Richard Mims, 1966-67
David E. Abeel, 1965-66
Howard Rhodes, 1964-65