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CMS Training

Expand and Collapse

The Expand and Collapse snippet has two fields: the summary and the details. The summary is shown when the widget is collapsed, and the details - when it is expanded. The details section allows multiple paragraphs, inline links, bullets and other inline styling. 

Pro Tip

Adding Rows

To add additional rows to the snippet, place the cursor inside the snippet table and select Row->Insert Row After or Row->Insert Row Before.  To delete rows, place the cursor inside the snippet table and select  Row->Delete Row.

Watch the Video (10:44) and review the accompanying instructions.

  • Expand and Collapse 1

    1. Access the Main editable region. Click the Gadget icon and open the Snippets gadget. Select the Content option (A) from the dropdown. Double-click on Expand and collapse (B) to insert it.

  • Expand and Collapse 2

    2. Leave the Title and Expanded Details headers (C). For each of the table body rows, update the text in the Title and Expanded Details (D) columns. The text in the Title column should always be styled as a Heading 5 (E). It should be a single sentence with no further formatting or hyperlinks. The text in the Expanded Details column can contain multiple paragraphs, formatting, and hyperlinks.

  • Expand and Collapse 3

    3. To add additional rows to the snippet, place the cursor in the snippet, right-click, and select Row->Insert Row Before/After (F). Alternatively, to delete unused rows of the snippet, place the cursor in the snippet, right-click, and select Row->Delete Row (G).

  • Expand and Collapse 4

    4. Save the changes and preview the expand and collapse.

CMS Training

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