This archived solicitation is no longer active. It is displayed here for reference only. No questions or offers will be considered for evaluation, and no new awards will be made in connection with this solicitation.
Solicitation H27-I851 50001658-25 [pdf]
Solicitation Number: H27-I851 50001658-25
Non Mandatory Pre-Bid 5/18/2020 at 10:00 am PRE-BID PLACE: Conference Call (800) 753-1965 / Access Code 777 7162
Site Visit 05/18/2020 after pre-bid by appointment in 20 min. increments - Call Chris Geary at (803)331-6761 to schedule a site visit appointment. Visitors will be limited to 1 person per appointment. Use of attendee provided face masks & plastic gloves mandatory
Site Visit Location Six-foot social distance rules apply fully. Site Visit Meeting location is at the Front Entrance of 1206 Flora Street, Columbia, SC.
Bid Opening 06/04/20 at 10:00 A.M. Bid openings will be limited to teleconference only: Telephone 800-753-1965/Access code 7777162
Buyer: Kristen Moss
Number of pages: 381
- Drawings - Drawings [pdf]
- Addendum - Addendum 1 [pdf]
- Award - Notice of Intent to Award [pdf]
- Award - Bid Tab [pdf]