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Distributed Learning

Library ID Request

If you are an online student outside the Columbia area and need to use any of the USC libraries, and do not have a USC picture ID, complete this form. A barcoded ID card will be mailed to you which will allow you to check out materials from USC libraries. 

Your Library ID Card is only valid for one semester. It must be renewed each semester you are enrolled. 

*Required fields

Select your term of enrollment.

Please provide your first name.

Please provide your middle name.

Please provide your last name.

Please provide your USC ID number.

Please indicate your street address.

Please provide your city.

Please choose your state.

Please provide your ZIP code.

Please provide your email address.

We do not mail out distance education Library ID cards to Lexington and Richland County students. You can receive a USC Carolina Card from the ID station in the Russell House (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.).



Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.