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Office of Civil Rights & Title IX


The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX is here to help navigate options to address harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct at the University of South Carolina. 

Report an Incident

If you or someone you know has been the victim/survivor of discrimination or harassment at the University of South Carolina, you can report it. Please know this does not automatically initiate an investigation or notify the alleged person, but can connect those impacted with staff to discuss options.


If you have been a victim of, or if you know someone who has experienced...

  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Sexual Misconduct (including sexual exploitation, relationship violence, stalking)
  • Retaliation

...we are here to help.


What to Expect When Filing a Report

  1. Initial Contact: A team member from the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX will contact the victim/survivor/complainant after receiving a report. At times, the reporter, who may not be the victim/survivor/complainant, will be contacted for further information.
  2. Supportive Measures: Supportive Measures will be offered to the victim/survivor/complainant upon receipt of report. Third parties can receive supportive measures to ensure they can access and participate in educational programs or activities. 
  3. Review Options: A member from our team will discuss resolution options available at the university, keeping in mind that pursuing a resolution is not required.  
  4. Complaint: A complaint form is required to proceed with informal and investigative resolution options. Upon receipt of a complaint form, the alleged respondent will be notified of the complaint. Respondents are offered supportive measures once they receive notice of a complaint. 
  5. Resolution Process: Depending on the resolution option chosen, the process will look different. For an investigative resolution, the victim/survivor/complainant will meet with an investigator to begin an investigation. The investigation can be initiated when the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX receives a complaint requesting an investigative resolution. For an informal resolution, both parties will meet separately with a resolution officer to discuss goals and participation in the process.  


Supportive Measures

A member from our team will conduct an individualized assessment and will review requests to determine supportive measures that are appropriate and reasonably available. Supportive measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the recipient’s educational environment. 

Mutual No Contact Directives are University issued directives prohibiting contact between individuals. It is designed to be deescalatory and is not part of anyone's disciplinary record. A complainant does not need to participate in a resolution process to request a No Contact Directive.  No Contact Directives are not punitive.
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Modification of class schedule
  • Assistance with academic petitions (eg. Hardship Withdrawal, scholarship/tuition assistance)
  • Modifications to work schedule
  • Change in work locations
  • Change in reporting relationships
  • Consideration of leave requests
  • Change in housing location
  • Change in work location
  • Removal of program participant, supplier/contractor, volunteer or visitor
  • Safety planning through USCPD or SAVIP

We can refer you to resources for assistance with:

  • Advocacy
  • Counseling
  • Disability services
  • Financial aid services
  • Health services
  • Immigration services
  • Safety and transportation services


Resolution Options

A member from our team can discuss resolution options with a victim/survivor/complainant upon receipt of a report. Our processes are dynamic and can be changed while engaging in a resolution. Anyone interested in learning more about resolution options with the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX can request a call from someone from our team. 

Any time an informal or investigative resolution is desired, a complaint form must be completed by the victim/survivor/complainant or, at times, the Title IX coordinator. A complaint form is a document filed by a victim/survivor/complainant or signed by the Associate Vice President for Civil Rights & Title IX alleging prohibited conduct against a respondent(s) and requesting that the university address the allegation of Prohibited Conduct. The complaint form will be provided by one of the Assistant Directors of the office throughout discussions related to resolution options. Once a complaint form is filed, the alleged conduct will be assessed for eligibility to participate in a resolution option. 

  • Victim/survivor/complainant can request case closure upon receipt of report
  • At times, the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX may not be able to take action, but can refer the incident to another University policy such as the Code of Conduct and HR policies.
  • At time of report, a victim/survivor/complainant can request supportive measures without further action
  • The victim/survivor/complainant retains the right to revisit/amend supports provided, or pursue a resolution at a later time
  • A victim/survivor/complainant does not need to submit a complaint to receive supportive measures
  • A victim/survivor/complainant can request a full investigative resolution
  • In extenuating circumstances, the University Title IX Coordinator can pursue an investigative resolution on behalf of a victim/survivor/complainant
  • A complaint is required to pursue an investigative resolution
  • A victim/survivor/complainant can request an informal resolution
  • Both involved parties must agree voluntarily to participate in informal resolution
  • A complaint is required to pursue an informal resolution
  • Other resolutions can take the form of educational conversations or coaching
  • A complaint is not required for other resolution types
  • Other resolution types are not considered disciplinary

If you are unsure if you want to report, we encourage you to reach out to confidential supports.


Confidential Support

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.