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Cardholder Agreement

Reading and accepting this agreement is one of the first steps you will need to take to get your CarolinaCard.

The CarolinaCard is your official university ID card. It is not transferable to another person and must be returned upon request. Misuse of cards may have a negative impact on both students and the institution in general.

Students are expected to protect their card and abide by all terms and conditions associated with the use of the CarolinaCard as student identification as found in the USC Policies and Procedures Manual under policy STAF 1.04.

The CarolinaCard and its account(s) and all forms, records and transcripts of its use are the property of the university. Use of the CarolinaCard account may be revoked at any time.

  • The account is a record of pre-deposited funds accessed by the cardholder for the purpose of purchasing products and services;
  • there is no daily limit on the number of purchases that may be made and debited; however, no debits or charges shall exceed the amount of deposited funds; 
  • no interest shall be paid on any balance in the account(s); 
  • the cardholder understands and agrees that the Account is nontransferable; 
  • the account(s) will be activated automatically upon receipt by the university of an initial deposit; 
  • the patron is responsible for monitoring his or her own account balance(s) and for all purchases made.

Deposits may be made as follows:

  1. through the university's website; by selecting either of the following options under the financial tab: optional fees (to add money onto your card via your tuition bill during fee payment) or the CarolinaCard options tab at any time with a credit card;
  2. in person at the CarolinaCard office at the Russell House, in Columbia, SC with check, money order, credit card or debit card;
  3. by telephone with a credit card only;
  4. by mail addressed to CarolinaCard, Russell House, 1400 Greene St, Columbia, SC 29208;
  5. through automatic deposit machines located across the Columbia campus.

    All deposits will be immediately available for use with the exception of those deposits made via credit card through the CarolinaCard option in These deposits will be available within five minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
There are no charges assessed to the cardholder for any transactions(s); however, a check presented for deposit to an account, which is returned by the bank as uncollectible, will be assessed a fee of $30.00 per check. The cardholder's account(s) will be deactivated until sufficient funds are deposited by the cardholder. 
  1. Merchandise may be accepted for return in accordance with the refund policy in effect at the place of purchase of the products(s) or services(s). Any refund(s) shall be credited to the cardholder's account; no cash refunds will be made for any purchase made with the CarolinaCard.
  2. Requests for refunds from your CarolinaCard are granted for graduation, withdrawal from the university, at the end of each academic semester, or termination of employment. Funds left on the CarolinaCard longer than 18 months after graduation, withdrawal from the university or termination are forfeited and become the property of the University of South Carolina.
  3. No refunds on money remaining on the CarolinaCard will be issued for account balances of $25.00 or less. A $20.00 check processing fee will be charged for all refunds. The university Bursar's Office reserves the right to use this refund to offset any outstanding university balance on your account. To receive a refund request, complete the refund request form on the CarolinaCard website, Please allow approximately four to six weeks for any refund to be processed.
Activity of your account will be made available to you online via Self Service CarolinaCard. Balances given by card readers may not reflect outstanding manual account activity.

Lost or stolen cards should be immediately reported through the CarolinaCard website available 24 hours a day at Once notified, your CarolinaCard will be blocked preventing unauthorized usage.

If you notify our office within two business days after you learn your card has been lost or stolen, your maximum liability is $50.00. If you notify us after the second business day after you learn of the loss or theft of your card, but within 60 days, your maximum liability is $500.00. If you notify us after 60 days, you liability is unlimited.

There is a $35.00 charge for both a lost card and stolen card. Once a new card is made, previous cards cannot be re-activated nor will the $35 fee be rescinded. 

Damaged cards can be replaced at the CarolinaCard office during regular business hours. A card is considered damaged when any of the following may apply:

  • a broken or bent card
  • holes punched in the card
  • misuse (for example, torn or chewed)
  • warped from extreme heat as if left on a dashboard or in a clothes dryer.

There is no fee to reprint cards that need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear and/or if the magnetic strip no longer works due to card quality. Damage will be assessed when the card is presented for replacement and it will be up to the discretion of the CarolinaCard office and its management if a fee is assessed.

Damaged cards will be replaced for $25.00. Once a new card is made, previous cards cannot be re-activated nor will the $25.00 fee be refunded.

If there is an error on a receipt or activity statement or if the cardholder would like more information about a specific transaction, the CarolinaCard office may be contacted by phone at 803-777-1708 or by mail within 60 days of noticing the error.

In the event of a phone notification, the CarolinaCard office requires that the cardholder submit a written notification within 10 business days of the verbal notification. If your statement shows transactions you did not make, please notify the CarolinaCard office immediately.

If you do not report the statement errors to the CarolinaCard office within 60 days after your statement was made available to you, you will not be refunded any money lost if it can be proved that reporting the error(s) in a timely basis would have prevented someone else from making transactions with your card. 

We will only disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:

  1. where it is necessary for completing transfers; or
  2. in order to comply with government subpoena or court order, or
  3. if you give your written permission.

If you request we release information to a third party, you will waive your right of non-­disclosure only for CarolinaCard account information and only to the person specified. The release will expire when the card is no longer valid, or at your request — whichever comes first.

CarolinaCard photos can be released and used for official university business.

The university shall mail, email or deliver a written notice at least 30 days before the effective date of any change in terms or conditions if the change would result in increased fees or charges or increased liability for the cardholder.

Prior notice need not be given where an immediate change in terms or conditions is necessary to maintain or restore the security of an electronic fund transfer system or account. However, if a change is to be made permanent, the university shall provide written notice of the change to the cardholder on or with the next regularly scheduled periodic statement or within 30 days, unless such disclosure would jeopardize the security of the system or an account.

Print the Cardholder Agreement (pdf) and bring it to the CarolinaCard office.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.