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Audit & Advisory Services

  • Gervais Street Bridge

Our Services

From audits, to trainings, to special investigations, learn more about our services and how they bolster the university's efficiency and effectiveness.


Our team tests internal processes to identify any weaknesses, risks, or inefficiencies, and then we make recommendations for improvement. We collaborate with university departments, units, and organizations to manage risk and improve internal controls. Learn more about our auditing process and plans.  


Advisory and Training

We’re known for internal auditing but, as the second half of our name suggests, Audit & Advisory Services also offers the university community advice on governance, risk, and controls. If your department could use input on a new procedure or a training tailored to meet your needs, we’ve got you covered. 


Conflict of Interest (COI)

An increasingly complicated ethical issue, conflicts of interest arise when an individual’s personal motivations (such as financial gain, romantic relationships, etc.) have the potential to compromise their judgment or actions in the workplace. AAS has a dedicated conflict of interest manager who helps the university community address these problems as they arise and prevent them from happening in the first place. Find out more about conflict of interest.


Audit & Advisory Services has primary responsibility for investigating reported incidents of dishonest acts and fraudulent activities as defined in the Dishonest Acts and Fraud Policy [pdf]. If you have information about wrongdoing in your workplace, please contact the USC Integrity Line



Banner photo credit: © Anthony John Coletti. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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