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Institute for Extreme Semiconductor Chips

  • Three researchers in lab coats in a laboratory in front of different computers


The University of South Carolina's state-of-the-art facilities are crucial for the institute's researchers when testing, manufacturing and fabricating their newly developed technology. 

Institute Labs

Phototonics and Microelectronics Laboratory (PML)

 With its class 1000 clean rooms, this 20,000 square foot lab in the College of Engineering and Computing is dedicated to the fabrication of microelectronic materials and devices. Photonic devices such as lasers, LEDs, and detectors are produced here, as well as high frequency, high power transistors for military radar systems. 

Electron Microscopy Center (EMC)

This integrated imaging and microanalysis facility in the College of Arts and Sciences provides microscopy and specimen preparation services. The center has technology that can simulate the very high temperatures that semiconductor chips could go through.

Arnold Childhood Obesity Initiative (ACOI)

The ACOI research group is a multidisciplinary group of researchers working on issues related to childhood obesity. Located in the Department of Exercise Science, ACOI faculty have expertise in public health, physical education, pediatric psychology, and nutrition. The goals of ACOI are to advance the science of measurement of obesogenic behavior, uncover etiology of obesity and test interventions to prevent and treat childhood obesity.


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