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Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

Research Initiatives

  • Nueroimaging


    Clinical Determinants of Outcomes
    Drs. Bonilha and Absher (USC) are collaborating with Dr. Milano, Adams and Carroll (MUSC) on identifying clinical determinants of outcomes in the State of SC. They are collaborating with Drs. Miller and Dr. Friedman and leveraging the rich SC Alzheimer’s Disease registry at USC for this project.

    Neuroimaging Determinants
    Drs. Bonilha and Rorden (USC) are working on neuroimaging determinants of brain integrity and vascular dementia. They are continuing on a long-standing collaboration of their group with neuroimaging at MUSC (notably on advanced MRI and diffusion methods).

    Dementia Seminar Series
    The ADRC Research Education Core has implemented the monthly Dementia Seminar Series. The seminars rotate around four themes: dementia case conference, journal club, basic/translational works in progress, and clinical works in progress.

  • Public Health

    Public Health, Nursing, Social Work

    Caregiver Registry Pilot Project
    Drs. Lorie Donelle and Sue Levkoff are collaborating on a pilot project to monitor the health and wellbeing of caregivers for individuals with ADRC. The data collected will be analyzed to determine “pain points” and equity markers of the participating caregivers. This database will be the beginning of a first-of-its-kind caregiver registry.

    SC Alzheimer’s Disease Registry Expansion and Analyses
    Efforts are underway for a significant expansion of the SC Alzheimer’s Disease Registry and multiple analyses using Registry data alongside other datasets.

    Annual Arnold Aging Lecture
    The Arnold Aging Lecture is sponsored by the Office for the Study of Aging and the Gerry Sue and Norman J. Arnold Institute on Aging. The lecture’s goal is to promote healthy aging across the lifespan through sharing of current research by topic experts in the field. The lecture is offered to the public and USC students, faculty, and staff without charge.

  • Biology

    Molecular Biology

    Drs. Daping Fan, Angela Murphy, Jim Fadel, and Peisheng Xu are collaborating on a project focused on the development of a high-throughput 3D neurovascular unit culture system for mechanistic and translational studies on vascular dementia. This research will allow for 1) an understanding of the pathophysiological features associated with vascular dementia including interactions between neurons, vascular cells, and glia and 2) screening of drug candidates that can ameliorate the cell malfunctions that occur in the neurovascular unit.

  • Engineering


    Cognitive Impairment Detection Technology
    Drs. Chang Liu and Melissa Moss are leading a project to develop advanced technologies with the goal of the device being able to detect cognitive impairment earlier than current technologies.


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